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Stand off/Weir Konnen v2.26.5

As you see here the skill standoff says it's giving me 1 per 5 willpower scaled, I'm however receiving 6% DR not 8%

As I mentioned it to a friend he, a boxer, told me HIS defensive willpower skill also seemed to be wrong, stating he had been gaining 8% from 62 willpower
IIRC, the description is outdated. Since Stand Off and Weir Konnen go off 10% of scaled WIL instead of 20%, it was a change that was made a while ago.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
Fern, in these screenshots it's showing at about 15% value, not 10% if you're certain it's 10% then we're still at an impasse
Even at 15%, it's wrong. 62 x .15 is 9, not 8.
[Image: unknown.png]
Uhh, Stand Off/Weir Konnen were a part of the additive DR turned multiplicative, its still 20%, however the amount you receive is reduced by your DR percentage exactly as if they worked like Ogata Waraji/Weathered Body.

So at 50% Phys.DEF, if you received 10% DR from Weir Konnen or Stand Off, you would instead receive 5%.

Conversely at 20% DR you would receive about 8% DR instead.

you'll notice that Wolf Warpaint functions this way too.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Oh right, I entirely forgot it was made multiplicative. Whoops, my bad. Not sure where I got the 10% from, probably misremembering...
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
As previously stated, this is occurring because of the change made on this patch to shift these reductions to multiplicative, from additive. This behavior is expected.

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