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[v2.11c] Selective Bitterness
Winter's Bite seems to not reduce the racial ice resistance that Apetaurus and Reapers can receive, which can prevent a weakness message from appearing on Nerhaven enchanted Apetaurus and Reapers.

To show that this is not a consistent pattern for racial base ice resistance I'll be showing a mechanation here enchanted with Nerhaven, being winter's bitten:

[Image: H4wOneb.png]

And here is a Reaper with 50 Scaled SAN and enchanted with Nerhaven being winter's bitten:

[Image: En2i7iq.png]

The weakness proc doesn't show up, meaning it doesn't reduce all of the ice resistance.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I'm bumping this because it seems that Fortune Feather is applying when Winter's Bite is active as well, you can see this here through the weak proccing, and fortune feather adding to resistance anyways just enough to make weak not proc.

[Image: 2UNR40g.png]
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
This has been corrected.

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