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[v2.13b] Anything wrong with Protect?
I've been trying to get protect to function lately.
[Image: db62334358.jpg]
The skill itself lists no chance, and just says its a shield skill. This leads me to believe as long as you're wearing a shield, it should always trigger. however this does not seem to be the case.

I've had it trigger never after several attempts. Toggled on. Next to an ally taking a basic attack. Wearing a shield. Nothing.

This also applies to shine knights and metal aegis. Both of which don't have the guard action, and presumably don't have a shield equipped in the first place.

I'm unsure if protect doesn't work at all, or if it just simply has an unlisted chance to apply the effect. Either way, I've never seen a shine knight or metalaegis activate protect a single time so far, and I've used them quite a bit.
I'll list off the skills that do not work with protect again currently:

-Pinball Strike
-Warp Strike
-Monster Basic Attacks
-Pierce Linker

All of these to my knowledge are incorrectly working with protect.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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