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A Fishy Suggestion
[Image: 6DzMEYv.png]

You heard him, boys.

On the suggestion of a Fish-related race, three suggestions, related to visuals come to mind, as requested:
The first one is a visual similarly to the Hoshigaki clan from Naruto, humanoids who possess sharp teeth akin to sharks and gills around their body, mostly around cheeks, sides of the neck and sides of the shoulders. They're far more humanoid-looking than the second suggestion. Ex:
[Image: Hoshigaki.Kisame.full.1013448.jpg]

Second suggestion would be Zoras from The Legend of Zelda series, which are far less humanoid and more fish-like compared to the above. Basically monster people in similar fashion to maybe Nagas, if that makes sense. Ex:
[Image: __mipha_the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_th...fc7d47.jpg]

Third and last would be Mermaids. This comes from pretty much anywhere and is way easier to get playbys, much like the first suggestion. Zoras are highly specific, and very little good playbys come in that style. I have no idea how they would work outside of water, but maybe a small stream of water under them could levitate them to wherever they want to go. Ex:
[Image: __nami_league_of_legends_drawn_by_heathe...c3e641.jpg]
(For an enlarged version of the pics, right click > view image.)

As for what they could have, they could have a bonus to stats if they take water damage, as if they were refreshed by that water, while also having some resistance to the Water element, and a drawback to another element. (Fire maybe?)

Another cool interaction would be that they would cost less stamina to do the diving mini-game, as they are great swimmers naturally and without the need for oxygen while underwater. Other things could be thought out, so I'm free to suggestions to actually making this race a real thing.

It'd also be great if Mermaids were added as a sub-race to the primary fish race, in similar fashion to Reapers and Apertaurus.
I'd like to throw in a pitch for an aquatic Corrupted race, 'Siren'.

Physically speaking, they are mostly humanoid figures with fish-like features such as fins that typically grow out of their heads, arms and legs, sometimes with accompanied webbed hands and feet and varying degrees of fish scales. Sirens are capable of swimming at high speeds, breathing underwater for significant periods of time and have supernatural voices with a strange super-present quality to them. (Think like being in a room with speakers.)

Reference pictures:
[Image: 24f5f5e5eac4411fba6ee707362a05b7530df1a7.png?2741427]

The spitball lore idea I had in mind would be similar in some ways to the traditional mythology.

Sailors far from home are sometimes beset by Sirens, often described as beautiful creatures with haunting voices, seafaring men of weaker minds sometimes succumb to their wiles and willingly dive after them... and then are dragged down to the depths where they are presumably devoured.

However, those dragged away aren't necessarily fated to die, instead they are taken deep beneath the waves to where lies a twisted magic that turns humans into creatures of the sea. For whatever reason, Sirens are drawn to places where the magic is at it's strongest and enticed to grow their own numbers for an unknown purpose.

And some ideas for the racial stats and abilities:

Starting Stats:
3 STR, 6 WIL, 4 SKI, 6 CEL, 2 DEF, 5 RES, 6 VIT, 4 LUC, 0 FAI, 4 GUI, 0 SAN, 0 APT
-30 Reputation in Dormeho (being a port town, fearmongering against Sirens would be significant) and Alstalsia (similarly also have some coastal locales, but further, they also have a reputation for hunting monsters which I imagine a Siren could fit their bill for such)

Saltwater Scion
Sirens have 30-(Scaled SAN/2)% Water Resistance, 30-(Scaled SAN/2)% Poison Weakness and are considered as the Ocean racial type. Whenever they are in a Whirlpool area, they gain an increased +15 Evade and +3 Movement in combat.

Voice of the Siren
Sirens are Immune to Silence and their Sound ATK increases based on Scaled WIL instead of Scaled SAN.

Siren Song
15FP (+1FP per Scaled SAN)
Targets all enemies in a Circle (3) area around the user, performing a status infliction check against each, any that fails becomes Charmed (LV = Level/2 + 10 - Scaled SAN) for 3 Rounds. Status infliction from Siren Song is increased by Level/2%.

Additional Trait Ideas:
Sinister Chords
1 Chords trait only. Changes the status inflicted by Siren Song from Charm to be Fear and Hesitation (LV = Level/2 + 10 - Scaled SAN), both for 3 Rounds.

Violent Chords
1 Chords trait only. Siren Song inflicts no status and instead deals Sound magical damage equal to Character Level + 150% Sound ATK to all enemies within Range with a higher chance of causing injury with this damage.

A sidecut like attack, moves the Siren in a line and deals Physical Slash Damage to enemies equal to Scaled STR + Level and inflict Lingering Damage equal to Level/2 for 3 Rounds. Last tile must be unoccupied. Can be resized for a larger FP Cost.

I also still have these head fin icons to donate to the cause.

.zip (Size: 909 bytes / Downloads: 343)
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
I would love a mermaid-ish race, or a race with mermaid lore. Because ever since I started playing this game, we've had I think somebody in the onigan Inn talk about how if you rarely fish up a mermaid, you get a wish. Maybe it was the fisherman guy who said it, but I dunno. And I always wanted a super rare chance that when you fish, to pull up a mermaid! Might be able to give them some sort of tile based buffs like naga. Buffs in sea tiles or dark water tiles. Nerfs in cinder tiles.
I like a lot of what Sly has suggested here, and if it was implemented as a corrupted race that might make way for a lot of creative liberty and interpretation of what it might look like, and would probably give it a wide variety of playby material or interpretation through characters.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Sly's idea is definitely cool but it'd be nicer to see some non-corrupted fish people first, maybe tied into Kaelensian or Mersales lore.
Yeah I'm on Valkyrie's boat (haha) mostly because there's an entire roster of beast-like races who aren't under the influence of the Hanging Star, and I think a non-corrupted aquarian race would only be common sense first, with Sly's idea alongside it perhaps. Both could easily be fluffed as a varied race due to the actual variety of wildlife within the ocean. Generally humanoid looking creatures with considerable aquatic influence probably makes more sense and puts it in line with some of the more interesting races like Naga and Hyattrs.

tl;dr regular fishies first, both can be varied enough for people to have a wide choice, though not so much that it's full on anthro stuff. At the risk of bias, http:///viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6854 has many good examples
I'm for regular fishes first as well, though if Sly's get implemented first along with Lux's primary ideas in the OP, I wouldn't be disappointed either. All idea presented are really great, especially Sly's racial trait suggestions as well for Sirens.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
BazTheBlue post_id=35062 time=1548348432 user_id=2054 Wrote:Yeah I'm on Valkyrie's boat (haha) mostly because there's an entire roster of beast-like races who aren't under the influence of the Hanging Star, and I think a non-corrupted aquarian race would only be common sense first, with Sly's idea alongside it perhaps. Both could easily be fluffed as a varied race due to the actual variety of wildlife within the ocean. Generally humanoid looking creatures with considerable aquatic influence probably makes more sense and puts it in line with some of the more interesting races like Naga and Hyattrs.

tl;dr regular fishies first, both can be varied enough for people to have a wide choice, though not so much that it's full on anthro stuff. At the risk of bias, http:///viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6854 has many good examples

I kinda don't want to have ANOTHER beast-like Kaelensian race because:
1. We have 6 Kaelensian races (5 if you mix Felidae/Grimalkin together as one), all while Dev was considering adding a bear-type Kaelensian race during the day the screenshot was taken. (All he needs is icons, by the by!)
2. Corrupted really need more love outside of what we have thus far.

It kinda would make perfect sense if they were corrupted by those in similar fashion to Shaitan/Papilion, as how there's not always a guaranteed chance of them being corrupted by unknown sources. Nothing stops the Sirens from having some sort of knowledge of Mersales, even though I believe the place is just hidden via magic.

Also uh, not to sound rude or anything, but there's almost no difference between that topic and this one in terms of examples, some there actually look more anthro than what I posted. This one is a bit more detailed, alongside ideas for the race itself and Sly's idea for racial passives/stats/lore, which I highly like it!

As for the matter of regular ones, I kinda wanted to leave Sirens as the 'regular fish race' all while Corrupted, while another race like Mermaids, outside of Iahsus' influence to be added too, but that I believe would imply in another gender locked race, like Nagas.
Another chain of good traits would be:
Quote:'Sea Creature'
- You lived most of your life in the ocean, adapting to it. Gains Earth Weakness equal to your Poison Weakness, but now you absorb Water damage as HP, and cannot be targeted by skills if you are Soaked.

'Ocean Lover' (Requires Sea Creature)
- Staying underwater is what you love the most. Reduces Diving stamina consumption by half, and increases the amount of items you can harvest there by 3. Sometimes (25%) Diving can refresh you, restoring your HP and FP to 100%, if they are under this number.


Also! For how they should look. I do think being a Hoshigaki can be better. Or maybe an option. Blue-skinned and black-sclera'd people shouldn't be hard to recolor.

And yes, I do believe them being a Corrupted is more fair.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I personally think they shouldn't be Corrupted. We have enough corrupted in race selection -AND- playerbase-wise. I think the fact that three quarters of the attendees at the gala hosted last night clenched their fists as soon as Iahsus turned red proves that. Corrupted are VERY popular as-is. Could they use some touching up with their races? Sure, I'd support that. I don't think we need to make our fish folk Corrupted because of a neglect that the others have, though. IMO It would be more creative and create more interesting roleplay if they weren't just people with regular skin and fins and webbed feet and more like the second example that Lonestar posted and the three examples I posted. We have enough races that are basically just humans with very minor variations.

On the other hand, I do think the thought you've put into their stats, abilities and lore is pretty cool! I wanted to add some stuff like that to my hastily-made post last night but I was already up too late and needed to sleep for my classes.

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