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Strength, Crits and Weapons
"Neus" Wrote:which was to make STR give a little HP. I'll look into it after the trait rework.

yes yes yes yes yes

I'm on board for that. That sounds pretty good to me!
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
Strength giving HP? I'm down. This way we'll be able to save a bit from VIT in order to put in the damage that we actually need.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
How much HP? I'm bordering between 2 per point or 3 per point. Anything below that would be kind of non-impactful, but anything above that range would be too much, tbh.
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
We'll have to see when the trait rework comes out whether or not Exceptional Health is getting removed or not, it may just make up for the difference, still, 2 or 3 per level would give quite a considerable sum, and thats fine.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
If you remove +40 HP, how will the +40 FP trait fare? Remain?
There won't be any stat also giving +FP along with it.
Guess you'll have to put points into will. Would make fp drain more viable.
"DoctorMad" Wrote:If you remove +40 HP, how will the +40 FP trait fare? Remain?
There won't be any stat also giving +FP along with it.

Faith, Sanctity and Will are already three stats that provides FP per point, not to mention there's two enchants in the game that also provides maximum FP.

With Strength providing HP, alongside Vitality and Sanctity, the balance between HP and FP will see more light.
I like the idea Strength will add more, it make it worth more.Or Perhaps other stats need nerfing? I would side more to buffing it.

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