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Quality of Lantern Life
Now I don't play very much, but I do go through and try to update things on the wiki once in a blue moon, so I'm decently familiar with skills past and present. It struck me that while many skills have been brought up to be in-line with others over the patches, plenty are still quite outdated. Since Lantern Bearer is hardly ever talked about, I thought they'd be a good thing to draw attention to.

Raging Flame: At rank 5, it currently deals 10 unresistable damage every turn of your lantern's element. Most but not all [strike]*COUGHDARKIMBUE*[/strike] similar items and skills have been changed over to work off of Elemental ATK by now, so it only seems fair to do the same here. Something like 25-30% Elemental ATK at max rank seems pretty fair to me, taking into account that it's free damage you don't have to work for. Perhaps slightly higher numbers with dropoff at range, like normal lantern abilities? That might be a bit much.

Guiding Light: Curing Blind can be useful to be sure, but for a very low range skill that also can't be used on yourself, and a Gentle Embers Altera offering AoE immunity to the status anyway, this seems like it could have more to it. A simple to-hit bonus? Some kind of inner light effect that increases the effect of lantern abilities on that ally? Perhaps some kind of detrimental effect to enemies? I'm not sure what to put here, but I do think it needs improvement.

That'll teach me for submitting posts in the morning. Move this to Balance Fu, please.
Moved. People can feel free to discuss.
Raging Flame could make do being 25% of your Elemental ATK so long as it has the fall off range with Farlight as most lantern bearer spells do, so I can support and get behind that.

I used to be skeptical of this, but the game's gone a lot farther since back then, so I'm fine with that sort of change.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Same, such thing was denied before, but now Lantern Bearer does need some love like this. Supported, with Spoops's number.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I support this so firespitter grind is easier-- I mean so that LB looks more desireable, yeah.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
maybe if focused beam left a lingering trail of flames or something between you and the target or would hit everything between you and the target, or had an effect for each type lantern.
"Lolzytripd" Wrote:maybe if focused beam left a lingering trail of flames or something between you and the target or would hit everything between you and the target, or had an effect for each type lantern.

Thats unrelated to the points brought up, focused beam is pretty strong right now all it really needs is an animation lol
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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