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Dangerous Dunce
Dangerous Dip gives 3 void energy when going through a voidgate, which is great. But if you use Blind Spot and teleport to an out-of-sight voidgate, you take unresistable damage and immediately lose sneak. Is there a chance of changing that, if it was intended? The only advantage to using Dangerous Dip is gaining 3 void energy, but by doing so you're sacrificing a potential +40% damage/insta-kill chance with Eliminate in addition to the null damage.
There's a chance to change it, I'm not entirely against it, but I'm not sure if it's something that should be changed. Most of the new skills aren't intended to gel with all playstyles and builds and this type of exclusivity might actually be preferable. But you guys can feel free to discuss pros and cons.
Well sneak for one, works great for destiny rouges. Since Spellthief sligthly benefits from it aswell(+10% damage while in sneak), melee VAs have a extra hard time building up Void energy, so I do not think that one at the very least should get hindered by damage you basically do to yourself anyway to hide.

Just logical speaking, your enemy shouldn't know where you are, just cause you hurt yourself in the process of getting hidden by traveling through a voidgate. And dangerous dips energy generation is frankly pretty low already. I don't think it really needs to shut out such a set up, it just makes it generally not worth picking. You tradde off already HP for Void energy, that should be neough of a cost.

Otherwise actually do not see a good use for Dangerous dib. Magical VAs will get revile fray, to basically autofill their VE instantly. And melees greatest benefit set up would be the sneak from a travel, and if they have to decide for either or? They choose the sneak if they plan to use eliminate at all...And it's a too good skill for Melee Vas to just leave out.
I think its fine to change, dangerous dip doesn't give an egregious amount of void energy, and sneak benefits both spellthieves and VA very well.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I don't think it should remove your Sneak status, it's self-inflicted damage either way. It's not like you're going to scream like a baby faceicon every time you get tickled by 3 Null Damage to call attention.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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