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Verglas secret attack (With Icons)
Verglas have trained since ancient times, and only the most advanced ones are capable of performing this highly complex skill that requires perfect mastery not only over Ice but over your soul aswell.

It´s called... Snowball.
[Image: c814ff5014e5103a232f84b28134edde.png]
Animation sample:
[Image: bf7c5c677f2fe0c9321c57b5b31ffcad.gif]

Skill details:
A basic skill every Verglas learns early in their training, to master the control of snow and Ice. They form a snowball projectile in their hand and throw it at a target within 6 range, preferably in their face, dealing ice magical damage to them and inflicting Frostbite level Rank*5 for 3 rounds.
Rank 1: 1M 12 FP 60%Ice Atk 10% Scaled WPN Atk
Rank 2: 1M 9 FP 70%Ice Atk 20% Scaled WPN Atk
Rank 3: 1M 6 FP 80%Ice Atk 30% Scaled WPN Atk

Why do I believe we need this?:
-It´s fun.
-Verglas needs a more easy way to inflict frostbite on it´s own, the only other method being Icicle spear so far which needs 9M.
-Let me have snowball fights, damm it.
-I think it´s fine compared to Splash given that it´s not magic, a projectile, and has much less utility than splash has. Thats why it´s also less FP/Skill point heavy, also easier to resist aswell.
-Verglas needs more love in general, for being currently the weakest of the three MA promos.
-I often end up with 1M as crit verglas, lemme use it, please.
-Did I mention it´s fun?
-We all want to see Fenrirs in Bikinis doing snowball figths, right?

Attached Files
.rar   Verglas Snowball.rar (Size: 1.83 KB / Downloads: 77)
It's an idea, I guess.
I like the idea, and support because Verglas really did fall behind.

But a 'snowball' is just... odd, for actual combat. I'd like that being an ice kunai or something more deadly.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I like it and I want it, supporting this wholeheartedly.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Verglas is incredibly underused. Spellthieves get the 1M Flying Dagger, too, so I don't see much reason why this shouldn't be a thing!

If anything, you could make it so it can only be used once per round.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
I like the idea. Something Verglas could use that isn't going to kill your FP. Plus, I'm always for some creativity.
"Fern" Wrote:Verglas is incredibly underused. Spellthieves get the 1M Flying Dagger, too, so I don't see much reason why this shouldn't be a thing!

If anything, you could make it so it can only be used once per round.
Let me toss three of them in Delphias face per round ò.ó. It´s already weaker than splash in almost every way. And dagger has the boon of being unresistable.
I'm totally for this. Icicle spear needs a new effect, then!
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
That's a hefty frostbite level for a 1m skill, I think evoker should have its own merits with Verglas so I think it should just be lowered a little bit.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Spoops" Wrote:That's a hefty frostbite level for a 1m skill, I think evoker should have its own merits with Verglas so I think it should just be lowered a little bit.
The only thing this skill has over Intensify Cold is the momentum cost, not even counting the generous Ice ATK boost Evoker will grant Verglas in order to make IC cause frostbite. A snowball will go nowhere towards throwing Evoker's merits to Verglas out the window; otherwise, Yuki-onna would've dethroned Intensify Cold ages ago.

The only lowering this skill needs is the Ice ATK scaling. A 1m Frostbite enabler shouldn't be going more than 50% of your elemental ATK, considering that the same class can wreck the opponent's ice resistance easily. Otherwise, I have absolutely no problem with Verglas getting this skill.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye

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