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Bad Bots
Can Engineer's Bots gain a 'Perfection' buff related to their Skill Rank?
Quote:- Perfection (Medibot): Increases Move by (Rank)
- Perfection (Turret): Increases Attack Range by (Rank) * 2
- Perfection (Metalaegis): Reduces damage taken by (Rank) * 5%

They're really needing it, atleast to make it worth throwing the same FP costs as an Invocation out of the window on Bot NPCs that get exploded in one or two rounds.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Those are neat but dont touch the actual problems, Medibot either needs to be reworked entirely or removed because its about as useful as a bandaid dispenser to treat compound fractures. The other two bots need better stats so they can actually do their job, a turret that can't hit anything is not useful for example. They cant move worth crap unless they get a jetpack, which only helps a little and aegis is one squishy tank bot. Did that reflector thing ever get fixed so it actually works? *Shrugs* And yet they cost more than some invocations to even pull out, which is dumb.
About the movement, even if they do get a Jetpack. The Engineer will just be wasting more FP and Momentum for nothing, because they can't take three hits and they're reduced to a pile of scrap. And while wasting this Momentum, the enemy can just opt to charge at the Engineer while they're extremely vulnerable trying to upgrade their bots and kill them, just to kick the bot down and 'bang', ''insta-win GG engineer class is OP nerf''.

It is quite frustrating seeing every single one of your actions as an Engineer ending up as a way to make your enemy laugh in different tones, just what are Engineers supposed to be anymore? Item Belt nerfed, Bots changed but weaker than before, insane FP costs for zero damage unlike Boxer... Eesh.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
One change I would like to see about the scrap mechanic would be that you gain the scrap upon a bots death. As of right now, you need to manually walk to the location of the bots death to get the scrap, which normally forces you into a dangerous position AND wasting momentum just to make the next bot you summon seem a little more worth the FP.

Overall, I want to see a buff to engineer in general, but the bots are definitely the most important things that need a buff, mostly I would just recommend a total rework on the bots alone, everything else can stay., sadly I don't have much to give on options for buffs but I definitely will keep it in mind and shoot an idea if I find one.
[Image: g5VjMYf.png]
Looking through this, i'm getting an odd sense of Deja-Vu. But anyway even I noticed Engineer bots being super lack-luster. I at one point wanted to be a madman going with GS Engineer for funzies... it didn't go well. Youkai outperformed the engineer bots in nearly every single way. So I also agree giving them some love is needed with some buffs to their stats probably based on character level.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Just saying 'rework them' doesn't say much about what problems you have with them, and I sincerely doubt they need a full blown rework again either way.
In that case if I really feel up to it I might start reviewing engineer, running tests and doing ANOTHER two week long mega-post in an attempt to save the class, even though the first one I did for summoner kinda got over-looked. Unless someone else feels like doing it this time.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
"Neus"' Wrote:Just saying 'rework them' doesn't say much about what problems you have with them, and I sincerely doubt they need a full blown rework again either way.

No no, a 'rework' is not the word for this. More like a few adjustments that I'm willing to point out.

Once you use the class like, two or three times in PvE you can slowly notice how the bots get out-performed by the monsters, and even by Examining their equipment, you can see that they do lack necessary things by default, skill aside. Pre-Rework, the bots were braindead but functional, those bots as they are right now, while offering a lot of new possibilities due to Total Control, are not doing the cut, so:

Problems with Turret:
- The FP cost is 50 FP.
- The range is tiny. (3 range)
- They can't hit jack damn even in PvE, and probably get affected by Far-shot Penalty due to their lack of GUI.
- Their damage is rather low for the name 'Turret', and the reason for their damage being so low is rather obvious:
[Image: isR4pOCBTTaOBg14xotNlw.png]

Problems with Medbot:
- The FP cost is 50 FP.
- They are only usable once, and that 'once' is while they have healing items in their Inventory.
- They don't have much mobility to compensate for their lack of durability.

Problems with Metalaegis:
- The FP cost is 50 FP.
- They have about the same durability as a Turret most of the time.
- They can't protect you, because they don't come equipped with a Shield or whatever. Here's the proof:
[Image: COlxZtlrQWuXiDiI60Y69w.png]
- Deflector is quite the lacklust because the only projectiles it deflects often is Shinken and Wind Slasher. And there are more efficient ways to deflect projectiles.

Solutions for Turret:
- Lower the FP cost from 50 FP to 25 FP (+5 FP per Rank).
- Give the Turret Bot a skill that increases their accuracy by a lot (like 200%), that costs 6M, 15 FP and lasts for 3 rounds.
- Increase their Gun's base power to 30, base Critical to 25%, base Accuracy to 100%, base Attack Range to 7, base Rounds to 4.

Solutions for Medbot:
- Lower the FP cost from 50 FP to 25 FP (+5 FP per Rank).
- Give them a First Aid skill, that consumes 55 HP from the Medicopter, but heals the target by 110 HP.
- Increase their base Movement to 10.

Solutions for Metalaegis:
- Lower the FP cost from 50 FP to 25 FP (+5 FP per Rank).
- Make them get a skill that inflicts Immobilize on them, but reduce all damage taken by 50%, both lasting for 3 rounds.
- Give them a Shield on their off-hand equipment slot (Magnetic Shield, if possible.), so they can use Guard and thus, actually defend the people around them.
- Deflector could be changed to a buff that Metalaegis can grant to their allies. Costs 20 FP. Said buff grants the effects of Spirit Mirror for 3 rounds on the targeted ally within 2 range. And has a 3 round cooldown.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I like Kunai (Snake)'s idea, and will +1 it.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
I don't know if I agree with the FP cost lowering because the whole idea with that is to make it so spamming bots repeatedly isn't sustainable.

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