"Neus"' Wrote:Just saying 'rework them' doesn't say much about what problems you have with them, and I sincerely doubt they need a full blown rework again either way.
No no, a 'rework' is not the word for this. More like a few adjustments that I'm willing to point out.
Once you use the class like, two or three times in PvE you can slowly notice how the bots get out-performed by the monsters, and even by Examining their equipment, you can see that they do lack necessary things by default, skill aside. Pre-Rework, the bots were braindead but functional, those bots as they are right now, while offering a lot of new possibilities due to Total Control, are not doing the cut, so:
Problems with Turret:
- The FP cost is 50 FP.
- The range is tiny. (3 range)
- They can't hit jack damn even in PvE, and probably get affected by Far-shot Penalty due to their lack of GUI.
- Their damage is rather low for the name 'Turret', and the reason for their damage being so low is rather obvious:
Problems with Medbot:
- The FP cost is 50 FP.
- They are only usable once, and that 'once' is while they have healing items in their Inventory.
- They don't have much mobility to compensate for their lack of durability.
Problems with Metalaegis:
- The FP cost is 50 FP.
- They have about the same durability as a Turret most of the time.
- They can't protect you, because they don't come equipped with a Shield or whatever. Here's the proof:
- Deflector is quite the lacklust because the only projectiles it deflects often is Shinken and Wind Slasher. And there are more efficient ways to deflect projectiles.
Solutions for Turret:
- Lower the FP cost from 50 FP to 25 FP (+5 FP per Rank).
- Give the Turret Bot a skill that increases their accuracy by a lot (like 200%), that costs 6M, 15 FP and lasts for 3 rounds.
- Increase their Gun's base power to 30, base Critical to 25%, base Accuracy to 100%, base Attack Range to 7, base Rounds to 4.
Solutions for Medbot:
- Lower the FP cost from 50 FP to 25 FP (+5 FP per Rank).
- Give them a First Aid skill, that consumes 55 HP from the Medicopter, but heals the target by 110 HP.
- Increase their base Movement to 10.
Solutions for Metalaegis:
- Lower the FP cost from 50 FP to 25 FP (+5 FP per Rank).
- Make them get a skill that inflicts Immobilize on them, but reduce all damage taken by 50%, both lasting for 3 rounds.
- Give them a Shield on their off-hand equipment slot (Magnetic Shield, if possible.), so they can use Guard and thus, actually defend the people around them.
- Deflector could be changed to a buff that Metalaegis can grant to their allies. Costs 20 FP. Said buff grants the effects of Spirit Mirror for 3 rounds on the targeted ally within 2 range. And has a 3 round cooldown.