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Ether Overloadtation
I haven't really seen any posts about this so excuse me if I didn't catch it but its become increasingly popular for most evokers to just charge mind rank 5 overload and zap you for 900-1k lightning damage. I don't know how this hasn't made it on here yet but this has happened to me on a bunch of different characters as well as other peoples, one of them holding a 35% beldam aegis and packing resistance with sayakana and CoMC took 500 lightning damage while guarding. In my opinion it needs a major change in either how many bonuses it takes into account or change its damage scaling. That or charge mind is the problem. Its literally just as bad as EI is currently but instead of marking someone you just have to simply charge mind and hop on over.
Just a quick question before discussion starts, do you frequently see this with or without overload criticals?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Spoops" Wrote:Just a quick question before discussion starts, do you frequently see this with or without overload criticals?
Mostly criticals because every one of them uses redgull and probably has a shitton of luck.
I think that's on account of Redgull criticals being OP in general, Overload's damage formula probably doesn't help this at all.

There's two ways you can go about this, Nerf Overload's damage per stat ratio and hit just the one skill, or address a problem that a few people in the community have with lightning criticals, in that they do a hell of a lot of damage, and nerf that instead.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
how about a test then, we remove lightning criticals from overload, and see if it fixes the damage, if not, nerf more.
Perhaps a replacement of the critical effect, something like...a new infliction check for a status unique to overload

Status - Overload:

Overload disables all bonus stats for 2 rounds

This would be highly impactful, thoughts?

If not, there's a second idea I had in mind, where in Overload would have a status dispel effect similar to null shell.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I like that, Creative changes are good, its alot better than straight nerfing.

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