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Item Belt Changes
Currently the way the item belt works is, you can put item types into the belt slots. You can use the item and it deducts 1 from your total, but you can keep using them over and over as long as you still have the item. What I'm thinking about changing is making it to where 1 entry on the item belt = 1 item. Meaning, if you have a Stabilizer in your Item Belt, you have 1 use of that item in battle. If you have 2 slots dedicated to them, you can use it twice, etc.

Obviously this would change some things, but it would also help make item usages in battle, especially potions, a bit more strategic. Thoughts?
I like it. This would let items retain their power and make item slots more valuable, since most of the time Prescription Hi-Pots are the only items worth using.

Though if this were added, I think that a few of the existing status cure items should be more powerful, maybe by granting temporary immunity. And Blue Potions could use tuning up too.
I like this idea and agree with Megablues; 2-turn immunity should be good for status effects, and blue potions being 20% FP recovery instead of 20 FP could work as well.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
This would be a welcome change in my eyes, I like it, and be easier to balance for when introducing new items.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
This should be the best alternative to solve the current problem with potion usage. Man, I agree with all my likes with this idea, if not have really really high expectations from it.

This is also a pseudo-buff to both Engineers and the importance of Preparation's Just In Case talent too, so the more the merrier!
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Only thing I'm worried about for this is it would make certain niche use items even less desirable in favor of things like PR-Hi Potions and Sal Violates.

Perhaps certain items could have more than one use per slot varied by the effectiveness?

For example, let's say PR-Hi Potion would be 1 per Slot but PR-Stabilizers would be 3 per Slot, having the weaker potions in this instance would mean you can carry more of them which can be advantageous in certain situations like just topping people up.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
The 'Item Size' idea from Slydria is also cool.

I think if that ever gets applied all together with the new Item Belt changes, the Medibot would need to have a larger 'pouch' to carry their default amount of healing items?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
With Sly's method you could state in each item description something like "Max allotted in battle: (x)", some potions like Arcanic potions and lesser PR-regeneratives like Stabilizer could be niche picks instead of being one and done things like PR Hi's.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
As long as this doesn't interfere with non-consumables, I think this would be fine, assuming something like the suggested allowed item use differences for certain items is included.
It's only for consumables at the moment, yes. The only consumable that I feel might be negatively impacted by this and maybe shouldn't be are bombs.

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