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Regrowable Herb spots
Is it possible to add a feature to be able to grow herbs in a house or through farming or something? Something like creating a specific herb you can harvest every in game day, like zelegrand leaves or wellwart since they're so scarce and yet essential to alchemy.

My only gripe with herb collecting at the moment is the RNG involved, and I don't get the materials I need like 90% of the time and it gets really annoying when I don't have enough herbs for specific potions that people need on a daily basis pretty much.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I definitely support this idea/notion.

Anything from dedicated patches for certain herbs (even if smaller amounts of patches compared to other clusters), reduced respawn timers, ability to grow them to just increasing the base yield by 1 would be nice to see.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Why do we only get one zelegrand leaf per plant? Doesn't the plant have multiple leaves? Or is it just a stem with a single leaf on top, like, "Hey, look at me, I'm a potion waiting to happen!"
Possibly, I could also add gathering nodes for them in random dungeons that would make sense, like the forest theme.
Both of those would be great.
I think that'd be a good idea as well perhaps, something to make gathering specific herbs a teensy bit easier, even if it's just making more nodes and/or nodes have more harvest-able herbs.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Would definitely be a great incentive for exploring Forest dungeons on alchemy-interested characters and the idea alone would be awesome enough (I'm pretty sure I was hired once ICly to do something along the lines of this, unfortunately the guy left off shortly afterward :
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
I heard Zelegrand and Wellwart, are there any others that people want?
The only other I can think of off the top of my head would be Yama blind, as Newyen and Mandrake have fairly reliable ways to be obtained.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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