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House storages permissions
Right click an item to give permission to a character to interact/use an item that only the owner can use? I mean, there are alot of people sharing the same houses now.
I and many others would love something like a 'co-owner' option that essentially gives people the same privileges as the house owner.
I support this so hard. I have a house multiple people live/work in, so naturally I need to leave storage unlocked for people to have their own proper rooms, and to keep the kitchen stocked so the chef has ingredients to work with and all... but scummy jerks like to raid unlocked houses, so if even one person forgets to lock the front door... yeeeeah.
*loud burp*
I tend to keep free-for-all containers behind locked doors to which only those with permission to be in there have the key.

For example, a player house being used as an 'inn&tavern' style restaurant, only the kitchen staff have the key to the kitchen, so even though anyone could open the kitchen cabinets, only the kitchen staff can open the kitchen in the first place. So if you wake up one morning to find that all of your cooking chocolate and seaweed have gone missing, you know it's either one of your staff that stole it, or one of your staff that was careless enough to leave the kitchen door unlocked.
I would like to do something like this but tying permissions to individual storage objects isn't the greatest idea for data storing reasons.

I think it might be worth considering Esther's suggestion as an alternative.
If that suggestion was enough, it'd be fine, but it's not since it's honestly a hassle to manually go through the entire "Unlock, Open, Close, Lock, Oh I need to leave, Unlock, Open, Close, Lock" cycle and a lot of people just get lazy - and the more people present, the harder it gets to point fingers.

Now, if doors were automatically re-locked upon closing and unlocked when trying to open normally if the character has the key? That would help. Immensely. But that would require some kind of check to see if the door had ever had keys made for it, etc, and it'd honestly be a big mess to implement, most likely.
*loud burp*
It wouldn't be hard to have it autolock if your character has a key for it in their inventory.

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