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Zoria's skill list is messed, a fix:
Zoria gets Ether Invitation.
Ether Invitation requires and consumes Claret Call.

Please fix Zoria's broken nonsensical skill selection?
*loud burp*
I noticed this a couple of days ago too! It's not even really something you can check to see if she does have either, since it's a passive and passives don't show up on the lists, and I could have sworn she used to have it, so I was thinking of hiring her and making her die over and over just to test and see if her having that was random like the rest of the skill selection, but I got lazy and sick. I think Rebound also shows up in her list, but again, Claret Call.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
Are you sure? Inates don't show up on the skill list, but she does have it on her level list.
I tested numerous times with a level 40+ Zoria attacking and examining the enemy afterwards. Claret Call was never applied. I also compared her damage on two consecutive turns. It was the exact same. I then tested Claret Call on my own Ghost to see if the skill itself was broken. Claret Call DOES work.

I can confirm with literally one hundred percent certainty that Zoria does not apply Claret Call.
*loud burp*
I think it's probably a bigger issue with non-player characters not receiving inates. I imagine NPC arena combatants who are ghosts don't apply CC either.

This should be corrected, at any rate.

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