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Narcus Suggestion
Burst damage is way better than DPS if we're talking about this weapon's theme, you take all damage done to you and WHAM. But the 'all' part is often turned into a constant DPS if you have Riposte on. A Narcus user with Riposte can be pretty annoying, I think the on-hit effect ignores the 50% damage reduction so you're constantly reflecting 100% of the enemy's damage back at them per Riposte.
Bonus points if the enemy is a VA with Dagger Dancer, each hit gets Riposte'd so expect tons of damage being deflected at every single chance.

It's better for it to trigger once but big, than trigger at every chance you give the enemy so it turns into a beyond-big DPS, when you add all instances where Narcus triggered together. A big 400 damage is way better than 700 over two rounds, tl;dr.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
You could also say that Narcus doesn't accumulate stacks, but instead its LV is equal to how much damage you last took, not being able to fall any lower than that.

So say you're vs an Evoker or Charge weapon build you can still make their life hell, but it won't do so hot vs sustained damage builds.

If being hit harder every 3 rounds is an issue.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
wouldn't be an issue in 1v1's anyway, with a 3 round immunity status to narcus. when the immunity expires the person will have 0 narcus stacks.

Narcus does not maintain indefinitely, after 2 rounds it will expire if the damage that currently increases the stack isn't higher than all the damage the current stack has already accumulated because of status refresh rules.

For a status to refresh duration the new version of the status has to be of equal or greater power than the current status on the target.u c

Round 1 User hits enemy with narcus.

Round 2 Narcus user takes a crit doing 300 damage, and a non crit raising his narcus stack to 450.

Round 3 Narcus user can't inflict narcus, target still immune, user takes 200 and 200 damage, narcus does not refresh duration

Round 4 narcus is at 850, to refresh duration 851 damage would need to be dealt.

Round 5 narcus expires, immunity expires.

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