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Slider Nerf
Slider is strong from the perspective of a low-def character soloing dungeons. See the issue?

It's not strong if you're in a team with a healer. It's not strong if you have a fair amount of def. It's not strong if you actually have a form of counterplay for those sorts of combats (Gust Traps, Ice Points, etc).

That means it's actually a GOOD skill that requires thought and possibly a party to deal with in repeated encounters (Barghests are this for me). Just because one thing counters your current playstyle does not mean it deserves a nerf, it means that you need to, as a player, adjust to it.

Too many other enemies are complete pushovers in comparison (Goblin Spearies, Goblin Grunts, Vampiric Legumes, Lanternfish, Biters, Corpse Hands (on their own), Bandits (all of them), Firefoxes, Forgeries, and Mad Vines (no stats, no skills, no problem), and present little to no problem for the majority of players in SL2. These are monsters that need improvements. Monsters are not that tough as they are right now, and certainly are no issue in a party of ANY size.

Don't nerf the skill of a mob that is actually a challenge.
I can see Fluid Movement getting changed or removed somewhere down the line, because while it can be played around, it's irritating to do so. You do run the risk of getting immobilized and run over still. So overall, I think Slider is fine, but Fluid Movement makes it have very little strategic counter play for a few classes.

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