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Between battles
"[url= Wrote:Ranylyn » Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:13 pm[/url]"]Monks can have full Ki much faster than VAs get full voidveil, and can get passive benefits (+30 crit with fists and 10% resist to all damage types) when it's maxed. While it's a pain to recharge it every fight, simply keeping those effects at all times would be OP.

Well, it's faster because VA's have 60 max and Monks have 30.
VA's have more skills that utilize all of their Void Energy, whereas Monks have.. One? Battles end rather quickly, unless you're soloing a Crazy dungeon as a Monk (which is suicide), and you lose that build-up of Ki you worked so hard to achieve, whereas VA's still have their 60 Void Energy to play around with. Not to mention, a melee VA has the option of -not- using their Void Energy (AKA, Cutthroat + Basic attacks) and still function properly (from my knowledge). A Monk cannot do that (once more, from my knowledge. Correct me if I'm wrong, please).
Edit: I apologize for not replying at all. Completely didn't see this in the suggestion tab at all, and forgot about it because I didn't see it.

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