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SL2 Version 1.35
[float=left][Image: talkav_96.png][/float]

Week three, somewhat delayed. Something happened in real life that demanded my attention. Anywho, this week is Shark Week, and the Ocean enemies have some shiny new toys to hunt down. Have fun.

New 10* Equipment - Added 6 new 10* equipment items that drop from level 61 and higher Ocean enemies.
New Static Random Dungeon - Added a level 65 Ocean dungeon, the Kraken Den, located on Lordwain.
Pink's Pub Donations - Risu is now accepting Murai donations. Depending on the amount raised, Pink's Pub may receive new decorative furniture in future updates.
Adjusted - Battle Rings are now independent of the owner's sprite. (Let me know if any skills do not update/move it properly!)
Adjusted - Miniboss color effects have been shifted to an overlay effect, (Internal changes so I can use animate on them without worrying about the color shifting breaking.)
Adjusted - Day/night lighting transitions are now very gradual instead of sudden changes.
Adjusted - Spirit Pain now has a visual effect over potential victims.
Adjusted - Battlefield status duration now ticks down at the end of a round instead of the start.
Adjusted - Monsters now have a fading death animation.
Adjusted - Vorpal strikes now take place before critical damage is applied.
Adjusted - You can now specify the amount of hours you want to rent at a time at shop stalls, up to a maximum of 720 In-Game Hours.
* Bug Fixes
- Monster turn speed is now applied properly at the start of the battle, even in the case of back attacks.
- Mortissimo and Burst Claw's damage type is now properly Slash, as they are claws.
- laplaceNET sidebar text is now the proper font to prevent run-over text.
- Ether Invite and Sheath Sword should have their momentum costs properly reduced in Stylish dungeons.
- Guest and barred lists for houses should now display less clones and more barred now that the list it's checking is the proper one.
- 'Item Get' displays will no longer run over the screen in extreme cases and will cull old ones if too many appear at once.
- FP Vamp effects now round off decimal values.
- Summoners can no longer summon Youkai onto the same tile as themself.
- Party members can no longer be kicked mid-battle.
- End Turn, when used from the battle shortcut bar, now properly listens to your end turn preference settings.
- Rockdirt's material description now properly shows that Rockdirt gives 2 Accuracy instead of the old value of 5.
- Qwarence's Breakdown Shop will no longer display equipped items in the item list.
- Rampage enchanted weapons now inflict the proper status level and duration on the first hit instead of only on the following hits.
- Self-inflicted damage no longer triggers Cobra Stance's Snake Dancer dodge.
- Arena combatants will no longer be able to steal my debug equipment.
- Quest indicators now fade out along with the NPCs they point (for NPCs that come and go at specific times).
- Moved monster damage type interactions to before the death proc. (Not really a bug, but documented here in case issues pop up.)
- Claret Call is no longer applied by Ghostwind even if the target is Unmarkable.
- Fleeing Spectres animation delay now increased to 2 seconds to prevent weirdness.
- Hooked Spearhead should no longer trigger when a pull effect is applied that doesn't actually move you.
- Potion Sickness no longer prevents you from selecting potion skills (for example, so you could use them on allies), but you still can't use a potion on a target with Potion Sickness.

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