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Intelligent Discourse: Evoker
Evokers simply in this meta don't have the damage they need. When you can charge mind and sear someone when you have around 70 total will and still only deal about 70 damage, there's a serious problem with resistances, Also the fact that because you're spreading your points thin if you go for a variety of spells, you're spending more fp and dealing less damage with your spells because of this, not to say they don't still get pretty rediculously strong. The main issue is how easy it is to get high resistances for all of evokers elements. If evoker is meant to deal high damage, let's have maybe a passive to ignore say 50% of elemental resist with evoker spells, that way it's not too strong, and resistances will still matter for the sake of not instantly dieing. maybe 25% even.

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