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Lore Questions: August (2015)
Also, related to clarifying things potentially considered "godmodding" I have some questions about illusions. (I've been accused of godmodding for RPing Cobra Stance as a Papillion's Illusions, for example)

About how much focus does it take to create illusions compared to other spells?
- A simple illusion (A visible object but no sound/touch trickery)
- A convincing illusion (For example, a person who talks)
- A complex, intricate illusion (An illusion that toys with all the senses, illusions you can touch, taste, and smell)
- A masterful mindscrew illusion (Example: Making someone believe they're winning a fight while they're losing it, doing things like numbing their pain while giving them an opponent who shows pain and damage - not for average use, of course, but I was curious regardless.)
*loud burp*

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