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Mercenary Testing Issues
- Reynes loves to Charge Mind when already charged, leading to entire battles of really not doing much.He also seems to religiously re-apply HSDW despite always being too busy using Charge Mind to use Exgalfa. If Reynes is clearly within range to nuke an enemy, he will HSDW and then move closer. He seems to prefer being at 1 range.

I just performed another test, with the intent of just tanking mobs and seeing what he does...

Round 0: Charge Mind
Round 1: HSDW, Move Closer
Round 2: Move closer
Round 3: Charge Mind
Round 4: HSDW, Move Closer
Round 5: Charge Mind
Round 6: Attack with tome because he wasted all his FP.

... yeah.

- Zoria seems to not trigger Electrojammers. Does she have a Ghosthand? I can't tell since she misses literally everything else. She cannot hit most enemies her own level. This may need some minor tweaking. It's really sad that so far, 90% of the damage she's dealt has been from her armor of nails. She also does not seem to ever use any of her skills aside from Riposte. I am unable to test further as she was taken out so quickly that not even my priest could save her.

- I have not tested the last one yet, since I ran out of murai.

- All mercs will join in for Singles Arena Matches. That's a bit silly.
*loud burp*

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