11-20-2014, 05:33 PM
Spending 3M to switch to a sword and 3M to swing it is just like spending
3M to move back a few tiles and 3M to shoot, except an Arbalist can deal
much more damage by shooting than they could with a sword.
Changing your subweapon would not remove the Reloading status from
the Arbalist. In fact, one could even go so far as to say the Reloading
status should prevent the Arbalist from swapping their subweapon in the
first place, since in order to put it away, you would have to reel it back
in first.
The average character gets 3 item belt slots: 2 that they start with, and
1 from the Preparation talent. Most of them run prescription hi-potion,
sal volatile, and blue potion, with some variation based on status effect
cures and whether or not one needs FP regen.
Of the few characters that invest in Packrat, there is literally nothing else
worth putting in the extra item belt slots, and Engineers simply don't put
any SP into that passive, because there's nothing to spend it on. Bombs
are ass even with the damage buff from ~that~ passive, often completely
negated by a monster's appropriate defensive stat.
This may change with the recent addition of enhancement potions, but even
so, a mage with Packrat can still run PR-Hi-Potion, Blue Potion, Sal Volatile,
Throatopener, a WIL potion, ~and~ a CEL potion! If that mage is a LB, they
don't need Throatopener or Sal Volatile, as they have spells for those things.
However, they might totally want to equip a Nihilist mid-fight if they find that
they're facing an opponent with a red letter and a circle ring.
Should an Engineer be 'that prepared' with three different guns and an array
of shields and gloves? Yes they fucking should. Engineers are ~supposed~
to have a gadget for every situation. Why shouldn't they be able to equip a
bunch of gear to their item belt for in-battle swapping?
3M to move back a few tiles and 3M to shoot, except an Arbalist can deal
much more damage by shooting than they could with a sword.
Changing your subweapon would not remove the Reloading status from
the Arbalist. In fact, one could even go so far as to say the Reloading
status should prevent the Arbalist from swapping their subweapon in the
first place, since in order to put it away, you would have to reel it back
in first.
The average character gets 3 item belt slots: 2 that they start with, and
1 from the Preparation talent. Most of them run prescription hi-potion,
sal volatile, and blue potion, with some variation based on status effect
cures and whether or not one needs FP regen.
Of the few characters that invest in Packrat, there is literally nothing else
worth putting in the extra item belt slots, and Engineers simply don't put
any SP into that passive, because there's nothing to spend it on. Bombs
are ass even with the damage buff from ~that~ passive, often completely
negated by a monster's appropriate defensive stat.
This may change with the recent addition of enhancement potions, but even
so, a mage with Packrat can still run PR-Hi-Potion, Blue Potion, Sal Volatile,
Throatopener, a WIL potion, ~and~ a CEL potion! If that mage is a LB, they
don't need Throatopener or Sal Volatile, as they have spells for those things.
However, they might totally want to equip a Nihilist mid-fight if they find that
they're facing an opponent with a red letter and a circle ring.
Should an Engineer be 'that prepared' with three different guns and an array
of shields and gloves? Yes they fucking should. Engineers are ~supposed~
to have a gadget for every situation. Why shouldn't they be able to equip a
bunch of gear to their item belt for in-battle swapping?