11-20-2014, 05:11 PM
Perhaps something like this would be better:
At any enchanting table or with the portable science kit, you could select an item and
'prime' it for enchanting by clicking the Prime button on the GUI. This would be free to
do, and would remove from the item any current enchantments it has.
After an item is 'primed', it gains a number of 'Enchantment Points' equal to your skill
in Enchanting, that you can use to add abilities to that item, by placing it on the table
and clicking the Enchant button. This would open a second GUI that functions much
like the Trait window for characters, with the left hand side showing all enchantments
that can be placed on the item, and the right hand side showing the enchantments the
item currently has.
As long as the window is open, you can mix and match enchantments freely, provided
you have the point cost to buy each one. If you decide you don't want a particular one,
you can drag it back to the left side to get your Enchantment Points back. Once your
item is the way you like it, you can click the Apply button to lock in that enchantment
setting, meaning that you could no longer un-buy any selected enchantments.
Points that haven't been spent would stay on the weapon, and you could apply more
enchantments later using those points.
These abilities would be the effects of the existing catalysts, and each one would cost
a number of points based on its relative power. In order to apply an enchantment to
an item, you would first need to 'learn' that enchantment by consuming the catalyst
which provides it. In order to learn Blessed, for example, you would need to acquire
and use a Scripture from your inventory, destroying the item in the process. Now, one
catalyst can theoretically provide its enchantment to an infinite number of weapons.
This means that catalysts are more valuable, and should be accordingly harder to get.
Catalysts that are sold in the Arena would have their prices raised to 750 arena tokens.
Catalysts that could previously drop in their catalyst form in a dungeon can no longer
do so. Catalysts that could be received from breaking down an enchanted weapon have
the percentage chance to acquire them decimated; Catalysts that previously had a 50%
chance to drop from a broken down weapon now have a 5% chance, and those that had
a 20% chance now have a 2% chance. This makes catalysts a valuable commodity, and
encourages players to buy, sell and trade them. It also makes enchanting services at a
premium, since only someone who's leveled their Enchanting skill and acquired the
catalyst could apply enchantments to your weapons. Characters could make a living by
selling their services as an enchanter, and use that murai to buy more catalysts.
The Divine and Vorpal catalysts that cost Legend Inks would be made a much more
appealing choice of where to spend your Inks, and they would have to be untradeable
to prevent players who are uninterested in Enchanting from simply turning Legend Inks
into murai by selling those catalysts to an enchanter.
Balance Notes:
Starting at 1 and levelling your Enchanting skill 4 times would give most characters a
baseline of 5 enchantment points, or 6 with the talent point. Authored enchanters will
be able to reach an Enchanting skill of 7, and one could further increase that to 8 by
being a Zeran.
The Devotion talent would instead lower the Enchantment Point cost of Blessed and
Holy enchantments by 1 point, rather than granting you +1 skill when creating them.
If we assume that the point cost of an enchantment is equal to its difficulty under the
current system, the cheapest enchantments would cost 3 points, while the 'better'
ones like Blessed, Reaper, or Rebelling, would cost 4 points, and godly enchantments
would cost 5 points. Under even the best circumstances, one could have a Reaper's
weapon of Rebelling, or a Floating Vorpal weapon. Only the Devoted could have a
Divine Blessed weapon, as the Devotion trait reduces the cost of Blessed from 4 points
down to 3.
Great Successes could be calculated when 'priming' an item, and would provide that
item with +1 Enchantment Point, bringing the maximum total to 9, for Authored Zeran
Enchanters. This would enable such a character to apply a godly enchantment and a
4-point enchantment to the same item. This would also serve to make Zerans a much
more attractive choice at character creation, far better than any change to Crown of
The process of applying the enchantment itself would have a cost of 1,000 murai for
each Enchantment Point spent, providing a baseline cost to which enchanters could
add a surcharge for their customers. Perhaps applying Divine or Vorpal could even cost
1 Legend Ink for each application.
At any enchanting table or with the portable science kit, you could select an item and
'prime' it for enchanting by clicking the Prime button on the GUI. This would be free to
do, and would remove from the item any current enchantments it has.
After an item is 'primed', it gains a number of 'Enchantment Points' equal to your skill
in Enchanting, that you can use to add abilities to that item, by placing it on the table
and clicking the Enchant button. This would open a second GUI that functions much
like the Trait window for characters, with the left hand side showing all enchantments
that can be placed on the item, and the right hand side showing the enchantments the
item currently has.
As long as the window is open, you can mix and match enchantments freely, provided
you have the point cost to buy each one. If you decide you don't want a particular one,
you can drag it back to the left side to get your Enchantment Points back. Once your
item is the way you like it, you can click the Apply button to lock in that enchantment
setting, meaning that you could no longer un-buy any selected enchantments.
Points that haven't been spent would stay on the weapon, and you could apply more
enchantments later using those points.
These abilities would be the effects of the existing catalysts, and each one would cost
a number of points based on its relative power. In order to apply an enchantment to
an item, you would first need to 'learn' that enchantment by consuming the catalyst
which provides it. In order to learn Blessed, for example, you would need to acquire
and use a Scripture from your inventory, destroying the item in the process. Now, one
catalyst can theoretically provide its enchantment to an infinite number of weapons.
This means that catalysts are more valuable, and should be accordingly harder to get.
Catalysts that are sold in the Arena would have their prices raised to 750 arena tokens.
Catalysts that could previously drop in their catalyst form in a dungeon can no longer
do so. Catalysts that could be received from breaking down an enchanted weapon have
the percentage chance to acquire them decimated; Catalysts that previously had a 50%
chance to drop from a broken down weapon now have a 5% chance, and those that had
a 20% chance now have a 2% chance. This makes catalysts a valuable commodity, and
encourages players to buy, sell and trade them. It also makes enchanting services at a
premium, since only someone who's leveled their Enchanting skill and acquired the
catalyst could apply enchantments to your weapons. Characters could make a living by
selling their services as an enchanter, and use that murai to buy more catalysts.
The Divine and Vorpal catalysts that cost Legend Inks would be made a much more
appealing choice of where to spend your Inks, and they would have to be untradeable
to prevent players who are uninterested in Enchanting from simply turning Legend Inks
into murai by selling those catalysts to an enchanter.
Balance Notes:
Starting at 1 and levelling your Enchanting skill 4 times would give most characters a
baseline of 5 enchantment points, or 6 with the talent point. Authored enchanters will
be able to reach an Enchanting skill of 7, and one could further increase that to 8 by
being a Zeran.
The Devotion talent would instead lower the Enchantment Point cost of Blessed and
Holy enchantments by 1 point, rather than granting you +1 skill when creating them.
If we assume that the point cost of an enchantment is equal to its difficulty under the
current system, the cheapest enchantments would cost 3 points, while the 'better'
ones like Blessed, Reaper, or Rebelling, would cost 4 points, and godly enchantments
would cost 5 points. Under even the best circumstances, one could have a Reaper's
weapon of Rebelling, or a Floating Vorpal weapon. Only the Devoted could have a
Divine Blessed weapon, as the Devotion trait reduces the cost of Blessed from 4 points
down to 3.
Great Successes could be calculated when 'priming' an item, and would provide that
item with +1 Enchantment Point, bringing the maximum total to 9, for Authored Zeran
Enchanters. This would enable such a character to apply a godly enchantment and a
4-point enchantment to the same item. This would also serve to make Zerans a much
more attractive choice at character creation, far better than any change to Crown of
The process of applying the enchantment itself would have a cost of 1,000 murai for
each Enchantment Point spent, providing a baseline cost to which enchanters could
add a surcharge for their customers. Perhaps applying Divine or Vorpal could even cost
1 Legend Ink for each application.