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[Seeker Flame] Hit? What Hit?
Seeker Flames used by players or allied firefoxes seem to have an inordinately high dodge chance against PVE mobs.

Tested with a level 6 Seeker Flame against level 12 PVE mobs and level 6 Arena opponents. The Seeker Flame dodged well over half the time. While BW couldvery well be affecting the arena opponents, when a PVE boss like a level 12 Omega Jammer (Vs a level 6 flame) or a Level 10 Gigas Rex (Against a level 4 flame) miss far more than they hit, it really does raise some suspicion.

I'm guessing this isn't supposed to happen due to Seeker Flames not even seeming to gain stats as levels rise, just Kamikaze damage. This goes above and beyond typical RNG variance. Sure, I've missed 7 attacks in a row at 98% hit before, but we're talking boss mobs that would theoretically be liekly to have over 100% hit (based on Player stats vs enemy stats and enemy stats vs seeker stats) missing over 50% of the time over a 30+ turn battle (Because really, you expected level 6 seeker flames to do jack all against bosses double it's level?)

If I had to guess, they likely have some kind of unlisted evasion passive taking effect, such as an Oracle's passives, or a Spectre's.

(And yes. I apologize for the thread name name. Seeing two "_____? What _____?" threads so close together made this hard to resist.
*loud burp*

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