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Seriously, Buff Evokers (and LB)
"[url= Wrote:Neus » Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:47 am[/url]"]If you can post a typical setup to resist all elements, I can see about making changes to how high the resistances given are. I assume some of it hinges on Sayakana. Another idea would be to increase the damage reduction required for it to be considered 'resisted' (IE, 25% to some higher number).

The "resistance" proc isn't an issue. This wouldn't change how much damage was taken, only the amount of Momentum it would take. Which is rarely ever an issue. Lowering the elemental resistance given by some items is a start, but again, it's only one of many issues.

Also, everything that Soapy said. Seriously, I hope you read that.

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