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Guard Cap
I made a new Dullahan today, and something hit me. Like a truck.

Soul Rage + Tactician Trait = 10 Momentum
10 Momentum + Guard = 100% Damage reduction.

Yes, you still lose 10% of your hp per turn, but otherwise, you block ALL incoming damage. And there's ways to exploit this, such as biding time for an ailment to kill your enemy, waiting out turns to accumulate Ki/Void Energy/etc, or, the best two: Engineer bots and Youkai. If you can keep your Will low, your max FP won't even be high enough to be a concern with the 5% lost per turn guarding.

I propose capping Guard at 80%. It's a number a LOT of classes can achieve via damage between turns (Duelists via Riposte, Rogues via traps, Mages via Eruption, LB Via Raging Flame, Engineer via Flamethrower's Burn, hexers via Underworld Flame, MGs via Charged Fire Shells, etc, you get the idea) so it won't nerf anything besides Dullahans.

I know a lot of PVPers want Guard's percentage to be lowered, but that would just hurt PVE too much, IMO. Earlier today, I was in a Black Beast party; the only warrior in a group of spellcasters who didn't have fire (Priest/Tactician and Ice Evoker/Verglas.) Naturally, due to how beasts work, I rallied everyone around me and used Protect. Even at reductions of 70%, one of them needed to heal me every turn. We don't need to nerf Guard. This is just to prevent shameless exploitation by a single race whose unique mechanics happen to coincide with the issue.
*loud burp*

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