05-08-2015, 09:47 PM
1) Resource nodes have a very low probability of actually yielding anything at low harvest levels. It's taken me 3 trips to the Iron Mine just to make a simple iron weapon (5 iron.)
2) Selling your stabilizers are a one shot deal. Until you can kill a jammer in two hits, it might not be enough to keep you going. And considering base class growths... that can easily take awhile. (I've made it to 20 with 8 str as a duelist, for example.) And that's not even getting into Inn costs for FP for more magically based characters, who are more limited early on and will be completely dependant on tome attacks for a time, unless they sub summoner (which is basically a must, early on.) It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't need the chain shot to get the with hat, but that's life.
3) I do personally know ways to use quests to make money (Example: Selling Stabilizers to buy Curry) but a lot of my testing is done to see how new players would fare in a given situation. For example, the lack of death penalty before level 10 was my suggestion. While I'm not deliberately battling badly, I am trying to gravitate towards what is immediately obvious, and actually finding I can't do it without resorting to the iron mine and quests, which of course would translate to people on ooc whining for help. Make sense? Beginner friendly = less ooc complaints = a less grumpy community.
4) Raising early game mura drops would be great, so long as it's by a low amount (Example, 1 mura per jammer becoming 3 mura per jammer.) While making things a little more accessible is always nice, we don't want to destabilize the economy. Not sure how I feel about giving more mura to start off, though. That seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Unless it's just enough to cover an inn trip and a repair, or something like that.
5) Inn scaling has been suggested before, and I will ALWAYS oppose it. "Oh, you look strong, it'll cost you more!" That's really kinda bull. Repair costs scaling with the material/rarity is fine (Ex: 9 star carapace is harder to work than 3 star magmic) but not level. It really makes no sense, and only works as a mura sink. And, as any mmo player will tell you, a good money sink is a useful item, since it sets a baseline for the entire economy.
For example, say we had a new 60+ dungeon added with special cores having a higher chance of containing 9 star items, but you needed a specific consuable to run it, like a talisman to resist the energy inside. And say that talisman cost... 15k. For max level players, that's not all that bad, and it really helps rationalize the value of other items (Example: Is this Mayelia really worth 12k when for 15k I can do one of those runs?) That would be a good mura sink. Raising the inn costs for higher levels as a mura sink would just be stupid.
2) Selling your stabilizers are a one shot deal. Until you can kill a jammer in two hits, it might not be enough to keep you going. And considering base class growths... that can easily take awhile. (I've made it to 20 with 8 str as a duelist, for example.) And that's not even getting into Inn costs for FP for more magically based characters, who are more limited early on and will be completely dependant on tome attacks for a time, unless they sub summoner (which is basically a must, early on.) It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't need the chain shot to get the with hat, but that's life.
3) I do personally know ways to use quests to make money (Example: Selling Stabilizers to buy Curry) but a lot of my testing is done to see how new players would fare in a given situation. For example, the lack of death penalty before level 10 was my suggestion. While I'm not deliberately battling badly, I am trying to gravitate towards what is immediately obvious, and actually finding I can't do it without resorting to the iron mine and quests, which of course would translate to people on ooc whining for help. Make sense? Beginner friendly = less ooc complaints = a less grumpy community.
4) Raising early game mura drops would be great, so long as it's by a low amount (Example, 1 mura per jammer becoming 3 mura per jammer.) While making things a little more accessible is always nice, we don't want to destabilize the economy. Not sure how I feel about giving more mura to start off, though. That seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Unless it's just enough to cover an inn trip and a repair, or something like that.
5) Inn scaling has been suggested before, and I will ALWAYS oppose it. "Oh, you look strong, it'll cost you more!" That's really kinda bull. Repair costs scaling with the material/rarity is fine (Ex: 9 star carapace is harder to work than 3 star magmic) but not level. It really makes no sense, and only works as a mura sink. And, as any mmo player will tell you, a good money sink is a useful item, since it sets a baseline for the entire economy.
For example, say we had a new 60+ dungeon added with special cores having a higher chance of containing 9 star items, but you needed a specific consuable to run it, like a talisman to resist the energy inside. And say that talisman cost... 15k. For max level players, that's not all that bad, and it really helps rationalize the value of other items (Example: Is this Mayelia really worth 12k when for 15k I can do one of those runs?) That would be a good mura sink. Raising the inn costs for higher levels as a mura sink would just be stupid.
*loud burp*