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Lore Questions: April (2015)
If any of these have been answered before, I apologize. I don't remember ever seeing these specific questions answered, and they are not on the Wiki. And quite frankly, there's too many Lore threads to sift through at this point in time. Anyways, I think it's time to get more information about Void Poisoning. It's such a major RP aspect for Void Assassins, and can also be involved with normal Mages who blink, a lot and Liches who use that blinkstep thing.

I know early Stages can be cured, if the usage of said skills causing it were to stop. Resuming use will bring the Void Poisoning back, right?

1) My question is, how does the return of the symptoms work? Does the poisoning "return" at the same speed, or is it faster due to previous contamination? Would the poisoning simply jumpstart ahead to it's "old" progression, or start over completely? Could a person who occasionally reaches for the Void Magic as a last resort, but rarely uses it normally, manage to "safely" use it "long term" by repeatedly getting cured at stage one, due to using it incredibly sparingly, hence a long "cooldown" period between exposure? (I guess an example would be not typically having VA set but reaching for the voidgates in desperation to escape via RP, or to stick VA on for a "hopeless" battle in PVP that is ICly onesided, while not usually using the class.)

2) As well, last month you mentioned the visual effects of the poison. If cured, would any effects remain? A diminished tint of the old markings, perhaps? Or perhaps their health never quite being the same again? If cured a second time, would these residual effects compound and/or multiply in appearance/effect?

3) What are the Voidgate's practical limits? Is Line of Sight required? Can you drop a voidgate beyond an obstacle to appear behind it? (Examples: Infiltrating/ Escaping a house/ fortress/etc.) Can a gate be created in a dense space, and if so, what happens to whatever is in that space, or whoever attempts to use the portal? (Example: If a gate were unknowingly made inside a statue, would the statue's interior collapse into the Void, or would the person using the gate be instantly crushed upon exit due to lack of space?)

4) Under what circumstances can void abilities be forcibly limited? Obviously silence works for Black Bolt due to it being a spell, but what about Voidgate itself? I believe it counts as a skill, but I'm also sure the prisons have ways to prohibit escape via Voidgate as well.

5) Do Voidveil and related (Absorb, Off, etc) skills, as well as Black Bolt, lead to Void Poisoning as well? Or only teleportation like Blink/Voidgate?
*loud burp*

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