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[Chat-Related] Tabs, channels, etc.
A few minor chat ideas that don't deserve to spam the forum with seperate topics

1) Was an idea someone else posted (can't remember your name, sorry) and I liked as well: A tab for OOC chats

2) I'll expand on that and add... CUSTOM tabs!

3) OOC-Say chat channel... Same range as say, but stops people clogging up say with chatter.

4) Party chat channel Talk to the people in your party to spare everyone else your chatter. (probably only an OOC thing.)

5) 'Thinking'... Seems that a lot of people like to do things to represent character thoughts. Why not give 'em a channel to do it in?

And thats the end of these.
Someone takes 600 Lightning damage.
(Skype: Underwater.Dreaming)

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