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Geldoren forces a basic attack against the enemy to reduce defenses. The other monk skills should as well. They all have debilitating effects or scale off of 1, or more stats to deal their damage. They scale ridiculously well and support a wide variety of characters, if only because Monk's AID can heal yourself for WIL+rank, move you a tile away, anddd generate ki. Tag that along with something that regens a lot of FP and you have a pretty defensive, tanky wall that won't go down. You also end up wasting momntum to move to them unless you have ranged option or a hanging-esque skill to attack and move at the same time.

Their cleanse body heals a variety of nasty effects whilst, I think, providing immunity for a few turns to said things. Ignoring Knockdown is already OP in it's own right, don't need me there to tell you why that's OP. +dodge/hit for wielding certain things is cool. Except when it's not because holy hell an archer will probably never hit Quinn without quinn getting some heavy dodge penalties.

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