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Clickbait title aside, most classes have weaknesses or shortcomings. They rely on hit, can only target one damage type, or can be debilitated by a single status effect.

Monks, on the other hand:

Can increase their movement
Attack and close nearly any distance map-wide
Autohit against Defense
Autohit against Resistance
Innately boost Hit
Innately boost Dodge
Passively boost Crit
Decrease Defense/Resistance
Cure status effects
Nullify two/three hits of damage
Ignore Knockdown

Yes, half of these are an issue with Martial Artist, the most robust base class in the game, and Monk only makes it worse.

Honestly, I don't have any good ideas for how to bring them in line with the other classes, aside from plain removing skills/making them drastically weaker in power or effectiveness/forcing a hit check. So, thoughts?

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