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Evade Ignore Sweep
I didn't know Retaliate, tentacle and grenade launcher got changed... That's awesome!

For firebird, I guess I don't mind it terribly but I feel like people aren't really abusing it as much as they perhaps should(?) But I guess nobody really complains about it so it's not a big deal.

That being said I think divine shower definitely deserves the nerf. It was given a cooldown a while back but that basically doesn't change how good it is.

Shaitan grapple is definitely overrated but yeah. I dunno. I think a lot of people choose not to spam it cause it's boring as hell, but a shaitan build focused entirely around being super tanky and spamming evade ignores and grapple is pretty powerful. But I don't actually see it being abused as much as it perhaps could be.

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Evade Ignore Sweep - by Poruku - Today, 04:29 AM
RE: Evade Ignore Sweep - by Poruku - 8 hours ago

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