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[Prescribed Potions] Calm The Heck Down
You people act like acquiring the ingredients for a single prescription hi-potion is any chore. You can get to 75% craft chance just from capping the alchemy trait. 100% if you're a Zeran or an Elf. Walk out into the forest/shrine and pluck the nodes. I know certain shops that sell them like candy for only 100 murai and certain characters that hand them out for free.

Potion sickness or not, it is a little egregious that, for 3M (and a status that prevents you from drinking another for a turn afterwards) you can restore half your HP at no other cost. It refutes the useability of any of the other healing potions, and while it is situational compared to healing skills in tandem, is still a bit overkill.

Nothing says !!FUN!! like whittling a tank to half his health and then then he can take part of his turn to make that work meaningless with no real drawbacks. I have to agree with PD for the most part. At least Malmeto or Graft cost FP. If they could heal someone for 50%+, you'd all be clamoring to have it nerfed faster than pre-balanced AD/AF.

P.S. Dev, where's my prescription hi-focus potions? i wanna' restore 50% of my FP for no drawbacks.
"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd."

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