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Can we talk about GS and Mass unsummon?
Right now if you manage to kill the summoner and go to next turn, all the youkai will get a turn on you automatically even if you were first in turn order last time. Meaning you can get two turned by a whole army and it only costs some fp from the summoner's corpse.

If defeating the summoner worked it would be a start. But I also think honestly that summons as a whole need a nerf.

The real issue with summoner imo isn't even the unsummon. Chain unsummon is just the cherry on top that destroys everyone. Problem is that all those youkai you can throw out deal considerable damage especially thinks like ascended suzaku that can do two evade ignoring attacks in a row. If you're a tank, forget it, you take the attacks of like 7 enemies ganking you and take easily half your hp in a turn if you aren't kiting. And if you're evade, even if you manage to survive against the whirlpools and barrage of attacks, you just die to chain unsummon.

If the youkai themselves were not so oppressive, it would be less bad. Though chain unsummon is also strong. Three ascended youkai on their own can defeat most builds. You just need to slap on absorb energy or something. It's crazy

I don't even know where to start with summoner balance, it's insanely good all around

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RE: Can we talk about GS and Mass unsummon? - by Poruku - 07-19-2024, 04:16 PM

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