03-17-2015, 06:04 PM
![[Image: e2a319784109b374d727cf62b68b2942.png]](http://i.gyazo.com/e2a319784109b374d727cf62b68b2942.png)
This screenshot was taken after my weapon broke. Sitting on a Mana Crystal as a class that can heal, which is the only reason I survived that long.
TL;DR: Find me a non-twinked, non LE'd Level 20-ish character who can do enough damage/ soak enough to down that thing before they die, unless the terrain is in their favor like it was with me. Seriously. That is absolutely insane. 60 Vit at level 23. SIXTY. Look at that screenshot. Just look at it. My hardest hitting attack (My Flamberg; Bonder/MA, literally just hit 20, no good attack skills yet) did 19 damage. And it broke right before I took this screenshot.
"Oh, but the Winged Guardian has like 1000 HP!" Yes, and? Most people are either a higher level or in a party when they go fight that. This is a level 18 BDP.
*loud burp*