03-16-2015, 02:27 PM
"[url=http://neus-projects.net/viewtopic.php?p=5503#p5503 Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:10 am[/url]"]So if I'm having a berseker shell, a build specificaly for crits, weapon with high crit, it's wrong for me to...actualy crit often.
And criticals are now just 1,5x damage, too. You also forget to account for the important defensive stat, that being celerity. Because if I can't hit you, I can't exactly crit you, now can I?
For your crits to actualy matter, you gotta have decent or good strength. If I build to have Str/ski/luck, I don't really have much manouvering ground to actualy get decent growths in other things, like defense stats. (Read : more than one)
I don't really see a problem.
I have a Kensei/Ghost with a Masterwork Galdric Axe. 3 weight. So that's +20 Crit right there. And a Berserker Shell (which raises Axe crit as HP drops.) At high HP, my crit is nothing TOO special, but at low HP, I've gotten the crit as high as 194% in PVE. But the problem is... being that low on health is a death wish. Saying that it's not fair for this build to be able to crit things with high hit evade is like saying it's not fair for a summoner to summon, or for an Evoker to use a spell.
*loud burp*