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Two small Bonder suggestions....
1) So... Grand Summoners get Reihou to revive any number of their Youkai. Bonders, who HAVE to use less and as such are more likely to suffer a casualty in a long dungeon, have... uh... what DO they have? And before you say "beating hearts" I'd like to challenge you to find a reliable source of these, because there really isn't one.

Suggestion: A small change to their basic youkai healing skill; if you have no Youkai summoned, it will revive the first available defeated Bonded Youkai.

2) On the topic of their healing skill, why does it scale with Faith? Honestly, I can't see any reason for this besides "Oh, they don't get more youkai slots so let's give their faith something else to do." Honestly, it just hurts the class overall; I made a new character to be a bonder, to emulate the experience a first time player who likes the sound of the bonder might have, and she has 3 faith at level 35 (after I threw in 5 points I had been saving up at level 20, gaming the minimum 3 with pre-promo growths before that.) Wow, useful healing, am I right!?

Suggestion: Make it scale with LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
*loud burp*

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