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Character Ability Request - Stheno
Applicable BYOND Key - Taklis
Character Name - Stheno
Request Type - Character Ability 

Request Details
Stheno over the course of her existence, has become a practicioner of Hexing and Mending, but due to her nature as a lone shaman, she has taken to procuring materials and modifying them for her purposes. Most importantly for her has been making her home bog a place where people cannot intervene, nor break her rules, and as such, has made many bindings, charms, and sigils of curses and hexes that activate on her whims to inflict bothersome effects on foolish people who come to her bog and disturb the nature, spirits, or break the rules of the Wiccan. These sigils, charms, and bindings, are all constructed with a magical ink, made using rare materials and much focus; The ink itself answers to magical essence, making it highly volatile and versatile, yet hard to destroy, as the inks link to the item, or person, and make a chain of focus and magicka, that takes advantage of the natural resources made by the Wiccan, to be long-lasting and surprisingly efficient to make.

However, for her to be just a hexer or grimweaver would be something she cannot permit herself, as her job is not to kill; She follows the laws of the Imala to heart, and as such, she also has developed a new way to restore the limbs and wounds of people, and it is by making a mixture of mud and magicka, an alchemical marvel of nature and magic, that allows her to create natural limbs for people, however, the only way to make it work is by using the patient's blood, which allows her to bind the mud and magic to their patient.

Specific Request
Magical Inks that allow the craft of hexing/cursing sigils, charms, and bindings. 
Magical Mud used for mending and crafting limbs to recover other's bodies.
(Will only be used or performed if the victim/patient consents to it.)

Reason why you are making this request 
I want funky powers to boost my character's story, while also accentuating her eccentric nature, making her seem futher weirder, and less trustworthy, with usage of magical arts that none other employs the way she does.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request
The particular inspiration comes from how Homunculi are made in the first place, and while a bit different, I think it'd add more alternatives than the usual Gleamweaving and often simple traditional medicine, bringing in the concept that everyone could be made of mud, though it'd be ideally impossible to tell the difference unless you take a really close look at the limb that was replaced.

For the ink, I believe that there's a note on the lore that states that liquids are the best retainers of focus, so I think that making a magical ink with focus isn't too far fetched, and I believe it'd make for a different approach to grimweaving and hexing that most don't employ.

Messages In This Thread
Character Ability Request - Stheno - by Silka - 01-30-2024, 03:38 AM

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