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Regarding Romek Pt. 2
"Floofie" Wrote:Hello Cerrik, thank you kindly for replying to me in an equally civil manner, it means a lot and I'll attempt to respond with just as much civility.

Firstly, you mention the line in which I essentially type that everyone who is opposed to the petition is essentially talking trash about it. I sincerely apologize, since as I've stated to my response to Ranylyn, it is quite late and as a result, I'm most likely not typing what I mean. I more so meant that a fair amount of the people who are opposed to it have replied in a very ill-mannered way. I'm very impressed and proud of your neutrality and that you've been conveying your opinions with such maturity. My sincerest of apologies if you took this the wrong way.

As for the remainder of your reply, I understand and can only say that I have read through all of the logs, and that's simply how I personally apprehend them. The post was more so to try and show that both sides are in the wrong (Egil and Sarah, to be precise) in my opinion. I keep seeing fingers pointed at Romek, but I felt obligated to shine some light that neither of them are perfect. I do hope you understand.

Thank you very much Cerrik, have yourself a wonderful night... Or day.

P.S DON'T WORRY, I UNDERSTAND HTML STRUGGLES AS WELL. (Primarily because of my dyslexia, but that's alright!)

No worries on the misrepresentation! I take a healthy amount of precaution when someone says something accusatory but I also leave plenty of room to let them say 'Oops, my bad!' and I hold no hard feelings afterward, so like I said, no worries!

I do understand, my stance isn't that only Egil metagamed, I think Sarah is in the wrong for arriving to the scene on her guard. I, personally, still do not find the logs sufficient proof as Purple's official statement is that she did not let it affect her. I would be lying if I said I didn't wish for certain characters to die OOCly but that's never affected my RP once. I'm sure many people have been in a similar stance. So to reiterate: I also think they were both in the wrong, but I do not think Purple was for her grudge, only for her arrival on her guard character to her own arrest.

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