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Character Application: Speaking with the Dead (Soulgem)
Applicable BYOND Key - Vixenity
Character Name - Adamin Nakamura Iron-Bunker
Request Type - Ability/RP

Request Details - 
I am applying for my Character, Adamin, to be able to speak with his Dead Sister that has been put into a Soulgem.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - He was extremely close with his now dead sister, being the Younger Sibling, he always looked up to her (mostly down due to him being taller) and now that she got shanked 28 times, he still wishes to keep her close. With her Consent.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request - His Sister, Annelyde Echiura Iron-Bunker wrote a Will after the Meiaquarise-Geladynian War that if she was ever murked that her body be put use to research and her soul be put into a Soulgem and be given to one of her siblings, whichever is older. After her death by 28 Shanks, she was quickly cremated due to Geladyne R&D putting a stop to Homunculi creation for a while, and her Soul, as requested, was put into a Soulgem and given to Adamin where he put it on a Clarinet due to knowing that His Sister definitely wants to partake in killing stuff, post-mortem.

Mechanically, this would be a Haunted Soul enchantment on the Clarinet.

Messages In This Thread
Character Application: Speaking with the Dead (Soulgem) - by MarktheUnlucky - 11-24-2023, 03:30 AM

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