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The People Demand Power! (Dark Bard Parry)
Okay, I know this is necroing a dead thread.

I'm the only stupid bastard that is still playing Darkbard Main Class. I know I could be infinitely stronger as Engineer Mainclass because I get access to QUICK SLIDE. a 2 momementum trap placing skill. But I have been holding on to trying this shit.

There are so many problems with Power to the People and Moshers in general that they GENUINELY are one of the most unfun mechanics of the class, and why you just straight up don't see a Darkbard Mainclass. Because almost every single other class combo in the game has something better it wants Main Class. (Not looking at you Dark Bard / Dark Priest. )

Shadow Moshers die in 1 hit, and enemies are generally REWARDED to kill one if they are within range because the damage they take will generally be so low that it's actively helpful for them to hit it. In cases like Axe wideswing you get 30 FP back and can potentially ALSO hit your main target.. whilst also restoring 2 Momentum (and then getting crit or fleur crit momentum from hitting an actual target)... Meaning your 3 momentum attack just netted you FOUR MOMENTUM.

They hinder your movement, your allies movement, and your enemies movement. Though enemies can run through them and take a miniscule amount of damage. Or just teleport past them. If there were actual penalties for attacking or running through them, like.. increasing confusion duration by 1.. or inflicting confusion for 1 turn.. Or, just some OTHER status that actually mattered. Maybe running into them/hitting them could drain FP instead of restoring it. Being able to hit it and restore momentum is by far one of the worst interactions these damn things have and I have zero clue why it's there.

MOSH PIT as a skill is so borderline useless and bad that I have, not once, ever actually used it. Its a ton of FP for a lot of moshers, but as proven before. Moshers are actively detrimental to you on a LOT of occasions.

The other problem is the Mosher's just LOVE killing themselves! Love it! They hear a song and just EXPLODE for miniscule damage on a target. Take forever to set up, deal less damage than cinder tiles. Last one pop. And then they're just gone! Frostbite from ice trap and walking on ice tiles will deal more damage than these fucking things.

Your allies can benefit from PTTP. But only if they don't have a parry. Which a surprising LOT of class combos will actually have a parry of some kind, which even if it doesn't function due to restrictions like not facing the target.. will BLOCK power to the people from firing.

In summary.. Just. Make Mosher Mobs not restore fp/momentum for hitting. Give them an actual downside to hitting/charging through them.. or just not EXPLODE upon running through them/playing a song. Power to the People having an increased range. on activation.

A lot of the issue just stems from you playing a song and your parry just exploding itself because a dude is 2 tiles away from you. Which is silly.

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RE: The People Demand Power! (Dark Bard Parry) - by Rendar - 10-28-2023, 02:28 PM

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