10-22-2023, 05:53 AM
Idol Step could afford to be changed entirely to something more like Curtain Call and be another finisher option. It's way too good in 1v1s and suffers immensely from how Dance skills work with any more than one or two targets on either side.
Issues with this skill have been repeated ad nauseam. Amidst the entirety of Dancer's kit, but since then we've at least gotten Thunder Steps' numbers slightly adjusted, and One Two Step isn't impossible to make work anymore.
Now the only problem child is Idol Step and to a lesser extent, Ice Slide, but I'll focus on Idol Step given the topic.
For those not wanting to click my links here's what I had to say in the past about Idol Step:
I did not touch on the impact of Battle Rush/Worn Out as this thread seems to be focusing on. Mostly because it only becomes a factor 3 rounds after its cast (potentially longer if you somehow get a kill in those 3 rounds) and actually buffs you until then. I did some brief testing and could not see any changes to 0 FP costing skills such as Kick or Redtail Dice while under the effects of Worn Out, so I'm not sure if it impacts skills that have no FP cost to begin with. If it does that's a bug, as the status explicitly mentions a requirement for the skill to cost at least 1 FP to apply the increased cost.
Glowing requires a Signature Step inflict check (55% of status inflict), which for now due to the state of inflict vs res, is actually pretty likely to happen though it is very difficult to get it to 100% accounting for resist even now. Even a minute amount of status resistance can tank the likelihood of seeing this proc, all for a LVL 15 Glowing that lasts for two rounds.
The Charm isn't unreasonable. It is marginally higher than similar skills (Photon Rose) that damage on top of this effect whilst carrying an extremely long (7 round) cooldown.
Idol Step does a lot all at once but is held back by its unpredictable nature beyond forcing one target on each side. Removing one part of it that isn't even what makes it overbearing in extreme scenarios won't do much to fix the skill. If we were to change Idol Step I'd recommend something more like this:
Worst case scenario you're now hitting someone for an effective 262%~ Light ATK + 25 base damage on a solo max Tempo Idol Step and getting an equivalent heal instead of the 450% + 73~ base damage it was before, and you remove all the RNG that such a long cooldown move has. This also removes the significant damage bump this skill got spirited at rank 6 from getting another instance of damage, while compensating by giving the damage amp and or healing amp if less units exist than is possible for it to affect.
The Worn Down aspect of Idol Step adds some interesting play to it, either preparing to counter it with a debuff cure/duration reduction, scoring kills to keep your Battle Rush long enough to avoid Worn Down negatively impacting you, or being able to force action heavy classes to play around the status if the fight goes on long enough to see Worn Down come into play.
Issues with this skill have been repeated ad nauseam. Amidst the entirety of Dancer's kit, but since then we've at least gotten Thunder Steps' numbers slightly adjusted, and One Two Step isn't impossible to make work anymore.
Now the only problem child is Idol Step and to a lesser extent, Ice Slide, but I'll focus on Idol Step given the topic.
For those not wanting to click my links here's what I had to say in the past about Idol Step:
Quote:Idol Step: is mostly seen as OP because when it gets every single proc on both ends on the same two targets it's incredibly potent (450%-610% Light ATK + 98-105 damage and the same amount healed to the user). Its extremely long cooldown (7 rounds) means you'll typically only ever see it once per fight. Currently it does not feel like a healthy ability. It's far too powerful in 1v1s and extremely unreliable in scenarios with multiple targets (be it enemies or allies), as your healing could all end up wasted if you don't position yourself to only heal yourself or gamble on healing an injured ally (and still be susceptible to healing only yourself every single time). For an ability with such a long cool down, you want to make sure you get the most out of it, so it's encouraged to ensure you are the only possible healing target and that you're hitting everything on one target. This needs to change if it's ever going to be more than a single target burst.
I did not touch on the impact of Battle Rush/Worn Out as this thread seems to be focusing on. Mostly because it only becomes a factor 3 rounds after its cast (potentially longer if you somehow get a kill in those 3 rounds) and actually buffs you until then. I did some brief testing and could not see any changes to 0 FP costing skills such as Kick or Redtail Dice while under the effects of Worn Out, so I'm not sure if it impacts skills that have no FP cost to begin with. If it does that's a bug, as the status explicitly mentions a requirement for the skill to cost at least 1 FP to apply the increased cost.
Glowing requires a Signature Step inflict check (55% of status inflict), which for now due to the state of inflict vs res, is actually pretty likely to happen though it is very difficult to get it to 100% accounting for resist even now. Even a minute amount of status resistance can tank the likelihood of seeing this proc, all for a LVL 15 Glowing that lasts for two rounds.
The Charm isn't unreasonable. It is marginally higher than similar skills (Photon Rose) that damage on top of this effect whilst carrying an extremely long (7 round) cooldown.
Idol Step does a lot all at once but is held back by its unpredictable nature beyond forcing one target on each side. Removing one part of it that isn't even what makes it overbearing in extreme scenarios won't do much to fix the skill. If we were to change Idol Step I'd recommend something more like this:
Quote:Idol Step
A simple but invigorating dance that affects all allies and enemies within X (X = Tempo) Range. Affected units may be afflicted with Charm LVL Y and are given Battle Rush LVL Y (Based on Rank) for 3 rounds each. Deals Light damage to enemies and heals allies (Based on Rank and Light ATK). Up to X enemies can be damaged by this skill, and up to X allies can be healed. Each unit can only be targeted by this skill once. If less enemies or allies exist to be damaged/healed than X, increase damage/healing respectively by 15%. Resets Tempo to 0 after use. (7 Round Cooldown)
Rank 1: 80% Light ATK, Base DMG/Charm LVL: 5, Battle Rush LVL: 3
Rank 2: 95% Light ATK, Base DMG/Charm LVL: 10, Battle Rush LVL: 6
Rank 3: 110% Light ATK. Base DMG/Charm LVL: 15, Battle Rush LVL: 9
Rank 4: 135% Light ATK, Base DMG/Charm LVL: 20, Battle Rush LVL: 12
Rank 5: 150% Light ATK, Base DMG/Charm LVL: 25, Battle Rush LVL: 15
Worst case scenario you're now hitting someone for an effective 262%~ Light ATK + 25 base damage on a solo max Tempo Idol Step and getting an equivalent heal instead of the 450% + 73~ base damage it was before, and you remove all the RNG that such a long cooldown move has. This also removes the significant damage bump this skill got spirited at rank 6 from getting another instance of damage, while compensating by giving the damage amp and or healing amp if less units exist than is possible for it to affect.
The Worn Down aspect of Idol Step adds some interesting play to it, either preparing to counter it with a debuff cure/duration reduction, scoring kills to keep your Battle Rush long enough to avoid Worn Down negatively impacting you, or being able to force action heavy classes to play around the status if the fight goes on long enough to see Worn Down come into play.