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Scravus Thorne - Request for family curse
Applicable BYOND Key - Sawrock
Character Name - Scravus Thorne
Request Type - Character Creation
Request Details -  

I'm requesting for a family curse. The curse would affect the firstborn child as soon as said child's curse-affected parent has died. Visible indicators of the curse are that the affected's sclera are red.

The curse itself is to obey the orders of the wearer of a specific ring, as long as the ring is both worn and touched by the opposite hand, both against bare skin. Due to the size of the ring, shaitans would be unable to wear the ring, but it otherwise would fit most fingers- it strangely never seems to be loose or too tight-fighting in most circumstances.

New orders have priority over old orders, so one could not order "never listen to orders again", as the next order would just trump such. Orders that are impossible to follow (such as "fly by flapping your arms really hard") are ignored, if the afflicted believes the order to be impossible. Long-lasting orders ("kill these roaches in my house and continue to do so for every roach that comes in") will continued to be followed until the orders are deemed impossible by the afflicted (the house is demolished, someone casts an illusion that makes the afflicted think the house is demolished, etc).

The ring would appear to be an ordinary gold ring with miniscule carvings on the inside of said ring. The ring would be Divine-enchanted, in such a way that it is indestructoble. The ring can still be lost, however- thrown into the ocean or otherwise.

As for who would have the ring? Unfortunately, I haven't thought of that yet. If it is required for the approval, I will post an update to this thread with such.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]

Messages In This Thread
Scravus Thorne - Request for family curse - by Sawrock - 09-05-2023, 04:18 AM

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