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Levelling as Summoners - The nightmare continues.
Quote:Oh god, you know how many times people complain about this in the actual game now?

Actually, I'm in the middle of moving, so I don't. I'm not alone on the issue? I'm actually amazed! Normally everyone and their dog is all "OMFG SUMMONERS NEED MORE NERFS!"

"[url= Wrote:Lolzytripd » Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:52 pm[/url]"]Don't remove the growths, A) unfair advantage to existing youkai, B) youkai become even more useless cannon fodder

1/2 youkai level+stat for 1/2 level cost

Option A for upkeep scalin

friendship should be 50 base

I did say to copensate by raising the base growths a bit, though. existing youkai would have a grand total of 5% more, or on average, 3 per stat by level 60. That's not so bad. But I do see where you're coming from.

Another idea I did consider for the stats was 75% Stat + 75% Level (Assuming a level 60 with 60 in their stat, you'd end up with 90 regardless of whether you use your suggestion or mine) but I think I like yours more, as less emphasis on raw Youkai level is better. The way it builds up with 1/2 level is almost like going from a beginner tutorial weapon to a good endgame weapon for a player, so it seems pretty fair. I think a flat 1/2 level for FP cost could be too exploitable, though, if you keep a youkai at a low level. Maybe ranging from 5-40 depending on the skill? (Something that causes ailments, for example, or hits a wide area, could cost more than a simple single target hit.)

"[url= Wrote:ThatOneMaggot » Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:40 pm[/url]"]Remove the growth, just give them higher bases. Affinity should boost something different, like unique Race Installs or something. It was from the very start pretty stupid.

I honestly think we should go for Option C for upkeep stuff. As it actually gimps other classes trying to abuse it.

Skills should probably be done as suggested.

Friendship should be base something that will prevent the Youkai from disobeying your calls outside of very specific circumstances (Like a really strong Install), especially if you are going to keep it around.
Give Youkai Gifts a teeny bit higher of a droprate and let the next Summoner Promotion use Friendship for benefits.

PvP Summoners are no longer dicks and less complaints about having to grind as a summoner.

I could get behind affinity affecting youkai passives and install bonuses. For example, a Jack o' Lantern's 2 HP regen per turn could be 0-5 based on affinity, or the degree of a resist could be based on affinity (50% resist on an install = 10% per affinity rank. Maybe an absorb starting as just a resist, working up to a null and then an absorb.) I actually -REALLY- like this idea. Affinity is supposed to be about how attuned a sumonner is to that particular family of youkai, and this is a wonderful way to make it more involved.

You guys are making me glad I posted this thread. Thank you.
*loud burp*

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