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Levelling as Summoners - The nightmare continues.
Oh god, you know how many times people complain about this in the actual game now?

Remove the growth, just give them higher bases. Affinity should boost something different, like unique Race Installs or something. It was from the very start pretty stupid.

I honestly think we should go for Option C for upkeep stuff. As it actually gimps other classes trying to abuse it.

Skills should probably be done as suggested.

Friendship should be base something that will prevent the Youkai from disobeying your calls outside of very specific circumstances (Like a really strong Install), especially if you are going to keep it around.
Give Youkai Gifts a teeny bit higher of a droprate and let the next Summoner Promotion use Friendship for benefits.

PvP Summoners are no longer dicks and less complaints about having to grind as a summoner.

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