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SL2 Version 2.74
Event Tools
  • Spawner; The event spawner has undergone a huge overhaul with a much better interface and many new features.
  • gm-heal-hp, gm-heal-fp; verbs that allow for healing of any unit's HP or FP of a specific value.
  • gm-cool-teleport; allows teleporting to a tile in view with the Bonder Warp animation.
  • Eventon Mannington; Event NPC that can be used as an inn without isekai-ing player characters.
Map Requests
  • Wanderer's Vale Dock - Courtesy of Appo
  • Duyuei Western Checkpoint - Courtesy of Appo
  • Added Drill Sergeant NPCs to Telegrad/Meiaquar training areas.
GM Tools
  • gm-name-change; new command which allows for changing characters names even if the player is offline.
  • The animation system received a significant backend overhaul to support features in the spawner, as well as optimize performance. If any animations seem off or broken, or sounds aren't playing for them, please report it on the forums.
New Character Race
  • Muridae, a new Kaelensia race, was added. Includes 5 new traits.
New Icon Parts
  • Half-Hair (courtesy of Skullcat)
  • Cheese Wheel (courtesy of Skullcat, Mirror Shard)
  • Mobster Suits (11 total, all Mobster stuff courtesy of Shujin & Kentaromiz)
  • Mobster Necktie (Mirror Shard)
  • Mobster Hats (5 total, Mirror Shard)
  • Mobster Weapons (4 total, Mirror Shard)
Item Adjustment
  • Animal Pelt; Weight changed to 3 (from 1). Default material is now Furcloth. Item effects are now - +10 HP, +3 Power to Nature Spells. Evade Up LV 10 for 3 rounds on battle start (6 if you are Beast race). +5 Evade for every other Beast ally within 3 Range.
  • Battle Maid Dress; Additional item effect - On Battle Start: Gain Evade Up LV 10 for 5 rounds if you have the Servant Training trait.
  • Half-Plate; New item effects - +5% Slash Resistance, +5% Pierce Resistance
  • Swimsuit; Item effects are now - +15 HP, 10% Water Resistance, On Unequip During Battle: Infliction-based chance to inflict Charm LV 15 on all enemies (5 rounds), and gain Evade Up (Undispellable) LV 10+X (X = item's Evade stat) for 5 rounds.
  • Flower-Wreathed Tunic; Additional item effect - Gain +3 Evade for every plant special tile within 3 Range.
  • Blood Whistle; Default enchantment is now Bloodsoaked. Additional item effect; On New Round: Feeds blood-hungry items.
  • Goat Lord's Hooves; Additional item effect - +15% Lightning Resistance
  • Flower-Wreathed Shoes; When summoning a Fairy Youkai, also creates a random flower tile (4 rounds) at a random tile within 2 Range of it.
  • Ring of Life, Ring of Focus; Now gives +40 HP or FP respectively.
  • Tsukikage; On Critical effect changed to Spelldaze (2 rounds).
  • Hikage; On Critical effect changed to Lingering Damage Fire (LV 15, 2 rounds).
  • Hayabusa Set Effect; Changed to; +2 Attack Range with Daggers. Movement becomes Teleport. If Tsukikage is main weapon - Moon Style. Critical hits generate Moon Crests (max 3) and grants Moon Reflection skill. If Hikage is main weapon - Sun Style. Critical hits generate Sun Crests (max 3) and grants Rising Sun skill.
Enchantment Adjustments
  • Magic Pocket; Now also grants +1 Item Belt Slot.
  • Warding; Now also grants +3 or +5 RES (for Legs and Torso) respectively.
  • Sweet-Smelling; Additional effect - Damage you deal with Whip weapons does not reduce the duration of your Charm effects.
Trait Adjustments
  • Exaggerate; Hesitation now lasts for 2 rounds instead of 3.
  • Blow Kiss; Charm LV capped at 40. Cooldown is now 5 rounds (instead of 3). Bonus infliction rate is now +10% (from +20%).
  • Haunting; Now has a 2 round cooldown. CD reduced by 1 if Rising Game level is 3 or higher.
  • Flip Shot; Now has a 3 round cooldown.
  • Titan Gale; Titan Ghost now only gives a bonus to SWA after it has been transfered at least once.
  • Ice Skate; Now correctly flagged as a movement skill. Now has a 3 round cooldown.
- You can now contract Youkai up to the maximum upper limit (12) even if you don't have the Faith required. (Available Youkai, as in those that can be summoned or apply for Sync Mind, still require Faith. This is just a convenience change.)
- Added Sunglasses to the Meiaquar Casino prize list.
- Adjusted the encumbrance weight of the following items to 0.1; Underworld Seed, Blue Cloth, Alga Plume, Bleeding Heart. To 0; Special Chocolate
- Lockpicking success exceeding 100% chance is now converted into a speed bonus (up to 1 second faster).
- Disabled swaying bridges outside of Darkwood Manor for reasons.
- Cached face-icons no longer contain information on player keys in the file name.
- Fixed a bug where Suzaku's Burning Strikes were not ignoring armor.
- Fixed a bug where pull effects could try to pull someone into an occupied tile.
- Fixed a bug where Charm Serpent affected all enemies, not just Snakemen and Serpentkind.
- Various bug fixes from the forums.

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SL2 Version 2.74 - by Neus - 07-01-2023, 11:31 AM

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