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How do ya'll feel about Monstrous Homunculi?
To me it's simple.

If monsters are considered in the world as bad? then playing a Monster Character should come with exactly those downsides and no handholding. Give them however a place where they can live more or less in peace. A Sanctuary of sorts.

If they are considered fine? It's fine. But then let people go all out.

If they are considered bad, however, but somehow because they are players and people suddenly decide to defend them for literally no IC reason and even the Law gets behind defending them?
Please erase everything but human. I hate it. With passion. But that's not because I hate those races, but because I hate the Handholding cuddle mentality that was promised to be less defined in Korvara that PREVENTS actually dark and interesting storylines. Plenty of people do want those stories to happen, but they can not happen outside of private groups cause the mere semblance of something antagonistic happening in someone's eyesight, makes them feel personally attacked, even if they are not involved. Cause we are all heroes. Its SO boring, uncreative and makes things super stale.

But thats just how SL2 is, everyone is protected in a safety bubble that negates any consequences or realism and makes the game very very unimmersive having no stake in anything unless the person that ICly stands directly infront of your goals decides to show you mercy of "I consent to consequences!" and if not, well fuck your own storyline, Woe you if you for some reason your IC is to hunt Dullahans or Vampires, or Monster XY. Races when they come with such stereotypes should ICyl feel them and not be just a different flavour of ERP race, with no downside.

I love Monster races, if they are handled with respect, which they are not in SL2. So kill it with fire. Its very hard to take them serious, and "Wild" owner-less chimera are just an excuse to play a monster.

But if we already allow that, just give the general "everything goes" and open the floodgates.
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RE: How do ya'll feel about Monstrous Homunculi? - by Shujin - 06-15-2023, 03:56 PM

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