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How do ya'll feel about Monstrous Homunculi?
I for one and a big fan of monster-isque appearance characters and the idea of what something can bring especially with the factor of having a race whom entire RISK is over eating monsters and risking becoming some sort of horrible abomination themselves in the process..

Obvious regards aside of the few examples given to why it might be bad specifically (goblins with the community, you got the "heehoo embrace goblin slayer" meme groups here, or that one guy who saw Tonk character profile, and leapt instantly into "I must make a goblin to wife them" type mindset.) I'd like to hope for consideration that Dev would allow for people to have some freedom even if they're still on a leash with keeping things where they need to be. Obviously still enforce the ruling on that, alright cool; make the monster characters closer to home still something to need a application and let them wait on however much time must pass for GMs to have a free moment in the schedule to discuss the matter, and give a response. That's fine, but allowing a more open diverse mindset without something needing to be limited on how far it can go would be a good step forward, even if it making the obvious stated of "Hey you can choose how to interact with x and y, but obviously don't go hating on them for their first reaction to x and y being 'oh boy a monster' and drawing the weapons out." I get that what happened when even Tonk first appeared and people had that 50/50 gauged reaction, but I feel like a set of obvious standards can be set here even if it made clear to the community on that.

Some obvious can be..
1. Are they actively trying to maul your face? No? Probably don't go guns blazing. (Zora is like the one exception cause people dealt with Toffee characters enough to know what to expect)

2. Are they able to speak sentences? Yes? Than they're probably not an actual monster unless vorpal rabbits, scarebears and even the Alarune suddenly know how to say more than "Grrgh?!"

3. ??? I don't know a third here to be honest but this list can be honestly expanded on by the community and set a general guidelines with dev, GMs and the other community to make a sort of "how to monster humonculi" guide, for those wishing to exist as a spooky lizard boy or goblin girl, to those actively seeing to play antag or semi-antag monsters that aren't just custom mobs or whatever else ran by a GM/Eventmin and honestly give more freedom in creativity to the playerbase.

Especially with Korvara development and more honestly coming out of it as time passes, I feel like with new race plans and ideas, humonculi whom either smidge off the trail of fully human but with monster bits taking form with just smaller things such as coloration to the skin, or the more massive steps with GM approved means such as literal maw on the chest, four armed fuzzy princess of bananas, literal yeti crab, etc. (many of which are monster-isque characters a specific member approved and shown that the community can see "monster character" who skimming the lines of the human standard, and have gotten fine reactions despite this on more than one occasion.)

At least, this is my thoughts and opinions on it, set the guide lines, make it clear "This is fine, this isn't." and if it something that feels like it needs approval, make it clear to speak on a GM to get the finer bits cleared, cause it'll be one thing to have a mutant lizard doing his thing shouting his name to the world when he escapes whatever hell he in, vs having a previous app come back suddenly under the same thing, because someone took "well it got approved so I should be able to do it now" without much consideration on that front, and honestly folk don't wanna lose out on something cause others can't play nice in the process.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How do ya'll feel about Monstrous Homunculi? - by Dezark - 06-15-2023, 03:23 PM

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