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The People Demand Power! (Dark Bard Parry)
I think shadow moshes are really weird thematically as well, I can't take that stuff seriously ICly lol. I wish we could make them have a more generic appearance.

But in terms of balance, they are also very weird gameplay-wise and PttP is like, a weird skill that interacts with a weird mechanic. I think we should just have more ways to spawn shadow moshes nearby for low or no momentum. For instance, spawning 1 on sing once per turn. Also, PttP is very hard to use when you need to be on the move. Perhaps there could be for instance a 1m skill that pulls some moshes to you.

But anyway, most people are subclassing dark bard. Pttp is not worth it usually

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RE: The People Demand Power! (Dark Bard Parry) - by Poruku - 04-26-2023, 05:12 PM

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