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LE and Traits
"you want to lock the extra SP we get from Class Point Traits (such as Spirit Caller for Summoners, as an example) behind Legend Extension and Legend Inks. It's a no from me"

Yes, I do. You reset your trait points, but you retain the skill point spent. you're 36/35 instead of 35/35 and it doesnt reset your skills because thatd be an exploit to having to use fruit of forgetfullness. You're already exploiting the system because you get a free skill point basically.


"It just doesn't make much sense; most classes also weren't reworked to 3/3, by the way"

Black knight got the treatment, and recently kensei did too. I didn't say all, It was a hyperbole.
Honestly could just do that with all promoted classes, but that's for a different thread imo.


"And just because human racials exist doesn't mean other races benefit from it like humans do. That was in fact added to bring humans up to height with other races who more benefit from their racials."

If that was added to bring humans up to height, Why are we undermining them with a trait making their racial effectivly pointless? Humans are still rarely played, and its mostly for fancy eyeball jutsu or for rp purposes.


"Legend Extension already gatekeeps some stuff that it shouldn't, and grinding is usually boring and a slog"

Then why hasn't anyone suggested to remove Legend extension in the past decade? Or.... Idk, An increase to how many you get when you LE? Yes, I hate it too, Everyone does. You dont have asago quests on korvara making it even more grueling too.


"There is absolutely no point in the first idea you suggested and in fact I'd reckon just about every player grabs those traits regardless of race or class because of the simple fact that certain classes contain so many skills"

Yes, I grab them too. and you're wrong, There is a point. The system is bloated and full of many flaws. I want to fix them.

Messages In This Thread
LE and Traits - by Yashatari - 11-08-2022, 01:14 AM
RE: LE and Traits - by Blissey - 11-08-2022, 04:22 AM
RE: LE and Traits - by PantherPrincess - 11-08-2022, 09:46 AM
RE: LE and Traits - by Yashatari - 11-09-2022, 01:06 AM
RE: LE and Traits - by Blissey - 11-09-2022, 01:35 AM
RE: LE and Traits - by Poruku - 11-10-2022, 07:38 AM
RE: LE and Traits - by FaeLenx - 11-10-2022, 11:27 AM
RE: LE and Traits - by Snake - 11-12-2022, 05:26 AM

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